there is that something in me that dies to go gentle

Apr 13, 2011 10:10

It's really weird to me to be writing from the POV of a character who has no strong voice in my head. It's not something I do very often, usually because the reason I start writing in the first place is that the voice is strong enough to demand a story. But this story didn't start with the voice, it started with the image and the circumstances leading up to and out of that image. And given that, I'm pretty sure it has to be in this POV, because it's partially about being an observer, and then finally closing that distance and becoming part of the action. Which sounds really ridiculously pretentious for something that is basically nothing but threesome porn. I'm also having trouble with titling it, which is making it harder for me to write.

Of course, I shouldn't be writing it at all right now. I should be writing my remixes. *hands*


I watched Castle last night and it was adorable. I mean, the cases are still kind of ridiculous, but I just love the whole team so much that I don't really care. Though some of those so-called Brooklyn accents were really...not. *shudders delicately* But there was Tyler Ford Brendan Hines! I wonder if my fondness for people involved with Middleman will ever go away. Also, you know who really needs to guest star on Castle? Alan Tudyk. IJS.

Then I watched The Good Wife. Can we please pretend that whole Hugo Chavez plot never happened? What the hell was that? I mean, it was lovely to see America Ferrara get something to do that wasn't having Eli make calf-eyes at her, but what the hell?

I suppose they wanted something silly so they could distract the audience so that when they brought the hammer down on Alicia learning about Kalinda's betrayal, it would hurt even more.

The whole thing with Alicia and Eli, and how much Eli actually respects her and then that awful DNC guy going to Diane (and Diane acceding to his wishes ugh), that was really well done. And then the interview, where she was fantastic. I love watching Alicia be awesome. I love that over the past year, she's learned how awesome she is and is more confident in it. And then Wiley broke her heart with that revelation. Oh, man, that was so well done. And then there's no show next week, which is just cruel. I need to see Alicia confront Kalinda, and then they can work it out and hug and it will be okay! And she can divorce Peter, and live in that gorgeous house.

While I am on the subject of TV, it seems like HBO is spending all the advertising dollars on A Song of Ice and Fire, because I just learned yesterday that Treme is coming back on Easter Sunday, and have seen no ads for it anywhere. I only found out because I went looking (source). Though learning Jon Seda has joined the cast...dampened my enthusiasm a little. I know I should be over it! But ugh. Even if I could let everything else go, I will never forgive him for being in the Box with Frank when Frank questioned Mikey. Never! He had no right to be there! And I know I shouldn't take it out on the actor - I've pretty much forgiven Callie Thorne for Ballard - but I can't help it. I guess we'll see how I feel when he shows up on Treme.


Today's poem:

Read Me

whenever my voice flings arrows
your way at a fiery pace,
read, discover there is that
something in me that dies to go gentle.
for when i viciously tangle
with you trying to throw
you off course, inside, i am raring
to cover you, take you, become
all of me fire and fluid.
when i try to lord it over, empowered,
it is because inside i am already
slave groveling ready to heed your bidding,
crawling waves lapping you up
sea shore hillocks sky
all the way up, all drool and drivel.
and when i insolently seek out
pulpits to mount my gospel truths,
i am really one humped question mark
thrashing about for your steadying light.
and when i try to light you up whole,
there is really a part of your flame
i would want extinguished
to die rekindled in me alone,
and when i am wind taking roots
in your solid ground, i am roots as well
ready to take flight upon your wings.
when i prance around proud in times square.
i am child carousing in the greener
fringes of the heart's final roosting.

read this idiolect,
read well, decode, detect,
and love me when i seem to hate.

~Ophelia Dimalanta


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writing: neuroses, tv: castle, poetry, national poetry month 2011, tv: treme, tv: the good wife

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