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Mar 12, 2011 18:20

Young Justice

You know, I'm not sure it's actually a good show, but I don't care that much because Megan is ADORABLE and BADASS and a baker, and now there's Artemis and she is SNARKY and BADASS and has a ~mysterious past~ that will no doubt cause angst in upcoming episodes. I was especially pleased to see both of them display those characteristics in last night's episode. I was worried that we were going to be treated to how WRONG Megan was for going after Superboy instead of staying to help Aqualad, and they were going to have to rescue her etc., but instead, she saved him and he helped her save them both ("You're strong. And I'm stubborn. We'll do it together." Oh, *heart*.) and Aqualad was fine in the others' hands. (I also find Wally a lot easier to take when he's being snarky with Artemis and Robin than when he's not getting the hint that Megan doesn't want his romantic attention.)

Plus, they made Superboy/Megan canon. He totally likes her back! There was almost kissing again! I squee and make tiny dolphin noises at their fumbly adorableness. I totally want ALL the fic in the world about the romantic shenanigans of two awkward alien teenagers in puppy love. With the pining and the tentative romantic overtures and the frantic making out and the "is this okay?" touching with trembling fingers and fluttery feelings and all that adorable stuff, with Megan taking the lead and teaching Superboy about how to touch her and what she likes and him blushing when he thinks about it later, and and and... you know, all that good stuff. Ahem.


I think I said everything I needed to say about last night's Fringe in my last post, but Ken Tucker of EW wrote a nice piece on why you should watch it (thanks to dotfic for the link).


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tv: young justice, tv: fringe

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