you say you've found heaven but you can't find god

Feb 19, 2011 23:02

I meant to put this in my other post and forgot, so let me do it while I'm thinking of it.

I think last night's episode did a good job of showing that there is a third way, a way that won't destroy either universe: Walter was ready to let Broyles amber Peter (and Olivia and the old lady), so he is finally ready to let go, and I don't think it was necessarily a "love will conquer all" ending - love and the inability to let go were what was causing the rift (no, not Park Slope!), just as they caused the original rift back in 1985 when Walter crossed over to save/steal Peter, so really, it's more of a "love destroys all" thing going on. It's a double-edged sword, right?

And while I roll my eyes forever at the melodrama of it, I also see the thematic resonance of having Fauxlivia get pregnant - will Peter steal his child from the other side the way he was stolen? Will he be responsible and cross over to be a father to the kid, and we'll end this season with him on the other side and Olivia here? Or will he let it go and in that way start repairing the riffs between the universes? I think having Walternate use the pregnancy as leverage to get Peter to come back (would the sprog be able to power the machine, as Peter's progeny?) is actually kind of interesting, because he's the one whose son was stolen and the one whose world has been paying for our Walter's inability to let go. All of which is more interesting than her being pregnant to fuck with Peter and Olivia's relationship.

I still can't talk about the whole "which Olivia Peter chooses will determine the fate of universes" nonsense without looking like I've sucked a lemon, and I'm really not looking forward to more Peter/Olivia=LITERALLY MFEO based on the promo for next week, but I think there's definitely the possibility of Peter choosing not to choose, or choosing both (why should it be his choice? Why do we even believe what Sam Weiss is selling without more info?), which doesn't fix the gross parts of that, but does ameliorate them somewhat, if the execution is really good. We saw this week that Olivia and Peter together were able to come up with a way to solve the problem without letting the vortex happen or ambering the place up, so. Maybe they will convince Fauxlivia and the Earth 2 team to join them to save the multiverse. And Bubbles, because I would like him to come back.

I dunno. I hope all the things that make me wary can be made awesome, because I'm tired of shows I love dropping the ball, and this season was so excellent for so long.


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