all this waiting for the power

Feb 16, 2011 10:39

Recently, I was reading a story from seven or eight years ago, and ugh, the random misogyny in it made my skin crawl. All the women were shrill harpies and/or needy weaklings, except for the one who was too old/motherly to be any kind of romantic interest. And I thought, hey, that's not that long ago, I was writing fic then, and then I thought, I know I did shit like that early on, I can't bear to look. And I know I did. I remember exactly the story where I stopped, because I was like, if this woman is so godawful, how is she believable as a romantic rival? Why would anyone think the hero would choose her over the heroine? I mean, sure, the character can think the other woman is an awful person, but as the writer, I should know why she's a viable romantic partner, and I should be able to communicate that to the reader. So I tried to make her an interesting character. I don't know if I succeeded, but over the years, I've tried really hard not to fall into that trap ever again. I'm not linking (er, to my story where I had this epiphany, not to the story I was recently reading) because my recent stumble into the DCU is bringing up a lot of ~feelings~ about my time in XMM fandom (and also Smallville), and not all of it is pleasant, and also, I think I'm a much better writer these days, though writing was a lot easier then, or at least I remember it being easier.

I know there are lots of stories even now that do this, but I can spot them pretty early on and back out, and avoid the author in future.

Speaking of Smallville, Michael Rosenbaum is returning as Lex, and also, apparently, they have a Kon-equivalent. That is almost enough to make me want to tune in, but I'm pretty sure I won't, even though I've heard the show is having a great season.

Otoh, I've decided that one of the most delightful components of reading Tim/Kon fic is whenever Bruce, Clark, and Lex have to interact. And by "one of the most delightful," I clearly mean the absolute best and most hilarious part. Especially when Bruce is like, "Not everything is about your tragic teenage romance!" and Clark and Lex just sputter and try to deny. The only thing that could make it better is if Lois showed up to mock them all, but sadly, I've yet to read a story where that happens. I mean, the porn is great and all, but I really want the hilarious in-laws with the complicated relationships.

Speaking of billionaires with hilarious and complicated relationships, there need to be more crossovers where Bruce disapproves of Tony Stark even though they carouse together, and Lex is jealous he didn't come up with the Iron Man suit first, and Tony doesn't give a fuck what they think because he is a superhero with an awesome girlfriend. Who Lex keeps trying to poach for LexCorp. I feel there is a comedy of manners in there somewhere that could be hilarious. And end with Pepper pwning the lot of them, of course, possibly in cahoots with Alfred.

I also want the crossover where Veronica Mars comes to Gotham and gets her detective on. There could be porn (Veronica/Dick* would be superhot) but I think the really interesting and fun part would be her trying to unravel some mystery that involves Bruce Wayne and Batman and various secret identities. She and Tim could stalk each other! And she would get to taser people! And Wallace could be her reluctant yet awesome sidekick. Please tell me this already exists, and if not, please tell me you're working on it even as we speak.

*do I need to specify Grayson, not Casablancas?


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hot xover pairings, writing: neuroses, batman, veronica mars is smarter than you, just a typical prototype, you should totally write that

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