but i got this old car and she's pretty tough to beat

Jan 25, 2011 10:40

You guys, last night I posted a story that contained the line "Holy crap, Dean, that guy is made of lint."

I feel like I have reached the pinnacle of my writing career, and nothing else will ever measure up. though I am sad I was unable to work in a "speed of lint" joke. But one Edlund reference per story is enough, I guess.

All of which is to say that if you've ever wondered why you put two socks into the laundry and only get one back, the Winchesters are on the case:

One Is the Loneliest Number
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; 1,285 words
Sam and Dean investigate the mystery of the missing socks.

It makes me laugh, anyway. Thanks to the people who've commented. I really appreciate it.


It's snowing again, but the temperature is in the high 20s. This is a marked improvement over yesterday. We're supposed to get more snow/rain/stupid wintry mix tomorrow night, which means Thursday morning's commute is going to be gross.

Dear scientists,

Where is my transporter, so I don't have to deal with slushy corners and icy streets and crowded subways and subzero temperatures?

no love,



Ugh. I have a work thing I must get finished, and I don't wanna. I spent yesterday and this morning soothing ruffled board members and that really makes me tired. It's 10:40 in the morning and I am already ready to go back to bed. Yesterday I was talking with a co-worker about my desire to stay in bed and watch dvds forever and about how working for the next 30 years was a really unappetizing prospect and musing about getting a sunlamp or something to make sleeping (and getting up) easier, and she was like, "Oh, honey, no lamp is going to help with that." True. So sad, but true.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/276446.html.
people have commented there.

we make our own fun, i am okay with that!

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