all i can do is wonder why

Jan 18, 2011 10:18

Ugh, this weather is disgusting. This weather is everything I loathe about January in New York. Grey, damp, cold, sloppy - the sidewalks are icy and the corners are ankle-deep in slush. It's supposed to get up into the 40s later this week (yay), so hopefully a lot of this mess will melt away, but then we're supposed to then get more snow. Sigh. Can it just be May now? I would settle for April, but it's been chilly the last few springs, and I would like to get back to 70° days as soon as possible. (actually, I would like to get back to 85° days as soon as possible, but I'm trying not to be greedy.)


Is there anything more intimidating than buying wine? I swear to god, I have been going to liquor stores since I was, well, for a really long time, and I have never had any trouble buying liquor, but even when I know what kind of wine I want ahead of time, I walk in and turn into a tongue-tied teenager. Bleh. I did end up with a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc that is hopefully pretty good. I suppose I'll know when I open it. But I don't understand why it's so difficult! I always feel like I'm being judged! And asking for help is no better, because I don't always know how badly I'm being upsold or if they're actually being helpful (is it sad that my first reaction is that they're trying to put one over on me and only after that do I think maybe they're actually trying to help?). I think it's because I only like white wine. (And I don't like Chardonnay! Stop trying to sell it to me!)


I made cranberry-tangerine scones yesterday. They're good, though I forgot to brush them with butter and sugar, so they're probably not as delicious as they could be. I have pictures; maybe I will remember to upload them tonight. On the plus side, tangerines! Mmm... And they were 4/$1 at the supermarket. On the minus side, tangerines are a lot harder to zest than oranges - because the skins are thinner, you have to pay closer attention, or you end up with a lot of pith in your zest.

Now I feel like my new LJ name should be "a lot of pith in your zest."


Last night, I had dinner with F., whom I haven't seen since, 2007? we were trying to figure out when the last time we saw each other was, and we think it had to be before they moved to London in 2008. Anyway, he was in town on business (I misunderstood at first and thought D. was with him, but alas, she was not), and he had a free evening, so we went to Blue Smoke and I had ribs and he had pulled pork and it was very tasty. He was telling me I need to visit them in London - they have a spare room, so I wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. I really need to do that at some point. (D. and I had sort of talked about it right before I got laid off, and then, well, yeah.) (As it's been a while since they got mentioned, D. is my best friend from college, and F. is her husband - with whom I share a birthday - and I'm godmother to their daughter; J., who is one of my other close friends from college, was supposed to join us last night, but as is typical for him, he was unable to make it at the last minute.)


So my hair is longer than it's been in a really long time (it's hitting the middle of my back now when it's wet), and while it desperately needs a trim (and some coverage for the gray), I'm also really pleased with how it looks most of the time, even though the knots are ferocious sometimes. So I finally decided to try out the silk pillowcase thing. I put clean sheets on the bed last night and instead of the usual pillowcase, I used the silk on one of the pillows. We'll see how it goes.


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