i'll be your whatever you want

Jan 10, 2011 10:27

I know it's mostly because I'm fundamentally lazy, but I just read an article about how seniors are working 50-60 hour weeks well into their 70s and while I think it's great for them, good lord, it depresses the hell out of me. I'm exhausted just thinking about working for another 30-35 years, let alone working more hours than I do now. It's not really the work part of the equation that bothers me, though it doesn't thrill me either, so much as the commuting aspect. Ugh. I don't know if I'll make it that long on the subway without snapping. When do I get to spend all my time napping and consuming media and writing fic?


I love how the internet brings random hilarity. Last night, I found these scans of Dick Grayson randomly stripping off his shirt and hosing himself off in the middle of a conversation. WHAT IS THAT I DON'T EVEN... (too bad he's not very attractive there. Even aside from the mullet/ponytail, I mean.) (as an aside, I did not know it would upload as a slideshow; tumblr, your ways are still mysterious to me.) And yet, I still can't get him to take his goddamn pants off in my freaking story. Meanwhile, Jason might be having a small breakdown (which I guess is kind of par for the course for him. *pets Jason*). I don't even know. It was just supposed to be porny Christmas schmoop!

In my continuing Justice League viewing, I watched the one where everyone but Batman thinks Superman is dead, which actually made me tear up, which I was not expecting. And Batman clutching that lone swatch of Superman's cape as he obsessively tries to prove that Superman's not dead is kind of heartbreaking. And then he goes to the memorial and is all, "I loved you so much and I never told you! I hope you knew!" *sniffle* (He knew, Bruce, but it wouldn't have killed you to say it.) I also enjoyed Lois tearing Lex a new one and then breaking down in his arms (♥Lois♥), and Lex being all, "I miss him, too!"

Then there was the one where Hawkgirl does what she does, and I did not expect that to make me all sniffly, but it did. Oh, Hawkgirl, I still think you're awesome, even if you did what you did.

I watched the Christmas one over Christmas, per
saraht's command. It was very sweet.

I'm less sold on the expansion of the cast, mostly because I don't care about most of those people (or know who most of them are), though so far I've only watched the one episode where Green Arrow shows up. Am I supposed to find him hilarious? Because I really, really do.

And then there was the requisite "character gets the perfect life they've always wanted but sadly, it's all a dream they have to reject in order to shoulder real world responsibilities" episode, where Superman breaks free of his dream life because Batman needs him (meanwhile, Batman is all, "You have to come back to save Wonder Woman!" Aw, their little threesome is adorable), and then when Batman gets infected, Wonder Woman has to call him back to reality. I realize they didn't have the time to delve into Batman's perfect life, but I thought it was apt - and both sad and funny at the same time - that while Superman's perfect life involved actually having a life, and Batman's was basically his dad beating up the mugger who killed his parents. Aw, Bruce, I find you much more sympathetic when you're not being a terrible parent to your children.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/269639.html.
people have commented there.

hoods and birds, capes and cowls, i fail at glee!, tv: justice league

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