the chance to make it good somehow

Jan 04, 2011 11:17

Back at work, and meh. It's January. Can we just skip to mid-March? I am so over this whole gray and gross January-February thing we've got going on, and until I can somehow magically afford to be someplace warm and sunny instead of soul-killing, I'd rather just skip the whole thing.

Castle was adorable last night, though I kind of wish they hadn't had Beckett get so freaked out/jealous of Natalie. I liked it better when they were bonding and freaking out everyone else. I especially liked the acknowledgment yet again that her shoes are ridiculous.

My DVR failed to record Hawaii Five-O, even after it specifically reminded me that it was going to record it ("Press A to accept this recording" *presses A*), so I guess I will have to acquire it. Technology! Why do you continue to thwart me? *shakes fist* I wish I could be as fannish about it as so many of you are, but I still don't like McGarrett enough for that.

In other TV watching news, I've been slowly working my way through Justice League episodes, and last night, I watched one where they went back to WWII, and was amused to see that there was some suspension of the 'no killing bad guys' rule when it came to Nazis. Not that it wasn't made clear that many of them survived (all those parachutes blossoming from exploding aircraft), but still, I'm pretty sure some of those guys did not make it, and that was due to Our Heroes taking care of business.

Also, all the guns! No wonder Batman had to stay in the narrative present! (he was the leader of the resistance! Even though his Bat-helmet didn't have any eye-holes. I did love the quick glimpse of mullet!Dick and Babs smooching.) He would not have been pleased (if you are picturing him glaring and saying, "GL, I AM DISAPPOINT," you would be in the same place I am. Hi.). And it gave us that long, awkward hug from Superman and then his (Superman's, I mean - I am having a hard time imagining Batman having an adorably sheepish expression, unless it's Dick Grayson!Batman [all of whose expressions are probably adorable], which this was not) adorably sheepish expression afterward when they all got back. *smushes them together like the old married couple they are* Also, John Stewart joined up with Easy Company! Which reminded me it's probably time for a Band of Brothers rewatch.

And T-Rex ties it all together today by calculating the expected real-life Batman generation rate.


I amuse myself, at any rate.

Gah. Still six hours of the work day to get through.


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tv: castle, batman, tv: hawaii five-o, tv: justice league, i am okay with that!

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