love flickered in the city of lights

Dec 31, 2010 13:14

There's still time left to guess which yuletide stories I wrote! I have two in the archive, both over 1000 words (but under 3000), both in fandoms I've written in before. One is het and one is gen.

(Obviously, if you betaed or were on the filter where I wittered about my assignment, you're disqualified from guessing that one, but I think the other one I wrote is pretty obviously mine.)


In writing news - I know you're all anxious about the state of Dick Grayson's pants (on or off?) and they remain on at this time, unfortunately, but I think I figured out my problem: while I think both Dick and Jason would get off on the situation as I've conceived it (voyeur + exhibitionist = happy fun times), I find it too hilarious to take seriously. Not in the sense that I think the kink is hilarious, because I don't - I also think it's hot in this case - but in the sense that I can't write it without laughing at how much like bad porn dialogue it sounds, which isn't the effect I'm really going for, and which makes writing it a chore (much like writing dirty talk - so easy to do badly because it does not translate well out of its particular milieu). So it's more that I'm not really capable of doing the idea justice as it stands.

So I think I'm just going to have to let it go where it goes and not be upset that it isn't what I conceived of at the beginning.

I still had hope that I could maybe post today (it's Christmas-themed!), but now I have to go grocery shopping and do a fuckton of cooking, so who knows?


While I'm pretty sure I'll post again today, in case I don't, have a happy and safe New Year! All the best to all of you in 2011.



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writing: neuroses, flove

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