it takes more to possess her

Dec 28, 2010 16:23

Guys, guys, I was struck forcibly this afternoon with the desire for a Fringe/Middleman crossover. Where is the story of the Middleman investigating hinky doings at Massive Dynamic? With Olivia and Wendy kicking ass together? Wendy would understand Olivia's current dilemma better than nearly anyone! The Middleman would approve of having Gene in the lab, and wonder why Jolly Fats Wehawkin never tried to recruit Astrid. Plus, he and Walter would be HILARIOUS together. Someone needs to write this for me ASAP!

In the meantime, here are 10 more
yuletide recs:

The Philadelphia Story

An Inside Look At A Mainline Society Apocalypse by [Anonymous]
"Tray, are you back from patrol already? I think it's mean that you don't let me go. I'm a better shot than Mr. Connor."

"Yes, but we'd miss you more than we'd miss him, Dinah dear," Tracy said, shooting a warm smile at Mike over her sister's head that took any potential sting out of her words.

"I suppose you're right," Dinah said, helping herself to coffee. "He can't even play piano."

"He's also right here," Mike said, "with two working ears."

"So you already know you can't play piano," Dinah said, smiling winningly at him and stealing the last apple from the bowl. Tracy and Dexter's wedding is interrupted by the zombie apocalypse. They handle it with the same aplomb they handle everything else. Highly enjoyable - gets the banter just right.


Indiana Jones/Casablanca

Indiana Jones and the Standard of Dishonour by [Anonymous]
Indy gets stuck in Casablanca. Really fun crossover.


Hawaii Five-0

Lōkahi by [Anonymous]
Hot and hilarious Danny/Kono, with some great banter and a really spot-on Danny voice.


The Queen's Thief

The Silver Moonlight by [Anonymous]
Why she continued to bait and hurt him gently out of her own guilt, she did not know. Why he loved her despite it, she would no longer had the strength to question, that night at least. Love did not come easily to her. She had told him that before, and it was still true. But if her fondness, if the twisting inside of her, the palpitating of her heart at his smiles, no matter how wicked, at his injuries, no matter how slight...if that was love, she embraced it. Really sharp yet romantic look at Gen and Irene's relationship from Irene's POV.

A Token for a Token by [Anonymous]
"A trinket?"

"I believe you are the only woman who was ever consistently angered upon receiving them." Sharp and lovely look at Gen and Irene's relationship.


All Summer in a Day

The Sun Shone on Venus by [Anonymous]
If, like me, you were traumatized as a child by the story of the little girl who got locked in a closet for the hour that the sun shone on Venus, you need to read this story, because Margot grows up, and her childhood trauma drives her to change the world in the best kind of way. <3


Ultimate Spider-Man

Party of Two by [Anonymous]
Johnny wants Peter to hang out for his birthday. Dorky, adorable awkward bffs with mutual crushes on each other. Aw, boys.


The Wire

Come At The King by [Anonymous]
Really well done back story for Omar. He be who he be, and ain't nobody come at him. That, maybe, that what they call success.



everything in its right place by [Anonymous]
Really nice look at alt!Astrid.

13 Ways of Looking at a Betrayal by [Anonymous]
Amazingly sharp and heartbreaking look at Olivia, dealing with Peter's betrayal and all the complex emotions her return home evokes. Highly recommended.


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recs, you should totally write that, yuletide

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