something is lost but something is found

Dec 26, 2010 19:47

Ugh, the Giants and their extreme suckitude are tormenting my soul. It's a sad, sad thing to be a Giants fan sometimes.

On the plus side, I just got a call from Ms. S, who is the person on our office phone tree who calls me to let me know that our office is closed tomorrow due to a metric fuckton of snow blizzard conditions. I was taking the day anyway, but now I don't have to use PTO to do it.

I'm home - I left the parents around 10 am, because I didn't want to get completely stuck out there because of the snow. Hopefully by Wednesday evening it will all be cleared away - that's when I'm heading back out there. It's nice to be back in my own space, though. Blessed solitude. And also control of the television. *relieved sigh*

Yesterday was weird - there were a lot of things that were familiar but just slightly off, but overall it went well. One awesome thing - my gift from my boss is a gift certificate to the Institute of Culinary Education that I can put towards taking a class there. I might have made an unseemly high-pitched squeaking noise when I opened it. (They don't offer a class in the thing I really need - knife skills - but I am looking forward to a class on cupcake decorating or bread baking or chocolate making. Squee! eta: apparently they do. Thanks to velvetmouse for the heads up.)

Also, I got a very sweet comment from my other recipient, which I hadn't expected but which I think shows a lot of class, all things considered. I doubt anyone else will comment on that story, but my other story has had a nice response, so I'm pleased.

And here are a handful of recs from what I've read so far.

First, let me rec again the stories written for me:

All Fall Down by [Anonymous]
A lovely, fraught story about Rachel Seybolt on her own in Europe after Charlie sends her away for her own safety, and how they reconnect after Nevikov is no longer a threat. Exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of when I made the request!


Under the Red Hood

A Dutiful Son. A Reluctant Brother: A Prelude or a Coda by [Anonymous] Achy post-Under the Red Hood story about how Dick is dealing - or, really, not dealing - with Jason's return, how he's trying so hard to be the perfect son/partner/brother/superhero that he forgets that he needs someone to shore him up, as well. Oh, Dick. *pets him*

Where is the ripcord by [Anonymous]
In which Jason gets in Dick's way and they snark and fuck instead of discussing the ungodly number of issues lying between them. It's as if the author plugged straight into my brain! So hot and achy! ♥



That Which is Altogether Just by [Anonymous]
Wonderful look at LaDonna, her mother, and Toni. I wanted to tell her, "And who raised you, now, that you think I'm suddenly so weak?" In what soil did she think she'd sprung. She didn't get this from her daddy. She must know he was a soft man, like her two husbands, both soft men.

She must think I'm old, to try to spare me this sort of news.


Friday Night Lights

All About Me by [Anonymous]
Oh, Jess. Oh, my heart. This is a gorgeous look at her optimism and determination. I just want her to get everythign she wants without getting hurt. And the scene with Coach is perfect, everything I love about him and this show all rolled into one brief conversation.

Building Shelters by [Anonymous]
Really lovely look at how Julie and Tim orbit each other and then finally fall together.

Visitation by [Anonymous]
Coach visits Tim in prison. Pitch-perfect and heartbreaking. Oh, Tim.


The Good Wife

For I come without answers by [Anonymous]
Painful and pitch-perfect story of Alicia making some hard decisions when Diane asks her to come with her to Lockhart & Lee.



You're Ready And You're Willin' by [Anonymous]
Velma and Scooby and the zombie apocalypse. Sharp and sad and shockingly believable.



The Ghost of Orrimy by [Anonymous]
Really lovely fairytale very much in the style of LeGuin. Now, it came about that, in the days when there was still an Archmage on Roke, a restless spirit arose in the hills above Orrimy, and came down into the town with the winter. From dusk until dawn it wailed through the dark streets, turning milk sour and making cats miscarry. The burghers of Orrimy, tucked safely in warm beds behind high walls, felt the wailing creep into their dreams, casting them into formless and bloody nightmares.

After a week of this, the leading merchants of the town summoned Samphire, the town's sorcerer, before their council. Samphire, who had already spent three nights chasing the spirit through the steep streets, told them, rather tersely, that he did not know how to lay the spirit to rest.


Batman Beyond

Max Beyond by [Anonymous]
Adorable look at how AWESOME Max is, focusing on her 30th birthday. I especially like her banter with Bruce. And her facility with a tote bag full of ice cream.



Guns 'n' Neuroses by [Anonymous]
Frasier and Niles Crane, demon hunters. *dies* Absolutely note-perfect (and utterly hilarious) fusion of Frasier with SPN. Niles swallowed convulsively, then managed to gird his loins to say, "I think we should do something about it."

"There's no fundraising gala for demon awareness, Niles!" Frasier said, unwilling to credit his little brother's sincerity or to question why his blood was pounding in his veins.

"Frasier," Niles said, sounding ludicrously calm as he brandished the goriest of Martin's photographs. "We could make a difference - saving people, learning things."

Frasier gave in to the adrenaline coursing through his system. "With great intelligence comes great responsibility," he said, letting his voice roll out dramatically. "This calls for sherry!"

Calvin & Hobbes

This kid I once knew by [Anonymous]
Wonderful look at Susie looking back at her childhood adventures with Calvin.


Fire from Heaven

Three Summers, Two Winters, and a Spring by [Anonymous]
Lovely series of snapshots looking at Alexander and Hephaistion's relationship over the years. I especially like the final section, where Alexander basks in the certainty of Hephaistion's love for him. *happy sigh*


Back to the Future

we can't live in the present forever by [Anonymous]
Fantastic look at how all that timeline jiggering must have screwed with Marty's head.


I still have a ton more to read, and I'd like to maybe finish one more story before the year ends. Mainly because I want to use the summary, "Jason's a voyeur†. Good thing Dick's an exhibitionist."

I make my own fun.


†Please take "Like the rest of his family" as read.


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life, we make our own fun, recs, yuletide

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