Let's do bullet points:
+ delicious allegedly not going away, just being sold (hopefully to google, whom I don't really trust any more than I trust yahoo, but at least they're competent?) is a reserved/tentative yay; I imagine eventually there will be a fannish replacement soon enough after this wakeup call.
+ I haven't actually done laundry since I moved into the city (I mean I don't do it myself - I drop it off and pick it up; I haven't just been wearing dirty clothes for eight years), but I am doing it now. It's like riding a bike, which is, oddly enough, a skill I never mastered. I even folded the clean clothes, well, for values of folded that would horrify my mother, but which suffice imo. The folding gene bypassed me - I can't even fold the newspaper in a vaguely manageable way. (I can read a map with the best of 'em, but don't ask me to refold it into a neat rectangle. *snerk*)
+ Marg, Alyssa, and I visited my mother this morning (I was also there last night) - she looks and sounds good and they've moved her to yet another room. There is talk she might actually come home on Monday, depending on what the physical therapist says. I'm cautiously optimistic but trying not to have any expectations.
+ Mission: read ALL the (readable) Tim/Kon on the internets is proceeding apace. If you have any recs, feel free to share them (thanks to the folks who already have; I appreciate it!) It hits a lot of my MWPP-era Remus/Sirius buttons (odd couple-y BFFs who have awkward, fumbly makeouts ftw!), with added hilarity whenever Bruce, Clark and/or Lex get involved. And it also hits my parental validation kink whenever the Kents are awesome to either boy. My shipping of them was previously vague and not really emotionally involved, but that has probably changed. Heh. I should probably have a tag for them, though since I still don't really know anything about them canonically, I doubt I'll write anything. (Now I really do wish the cartoon Young Justice Robin was Tim. It just makes more sense!)
+ Speaking of my parental validation kink, I read Batwoman: Elegy (with foreword by Rachel Maddow!) this morning. Given what people told me about it, it seemed like it would be up my alley (um, nobody mentioned the parental validation thing, just the awesomeness of Kate Kane), and it was. The artwork is gorgeous but, to me, practically unreadable. I found it really hard to tell what was going on in the present-day, especially in the fight scenes. Also, I much preferred the backstory (oh my god, I teared up when
Kate tells her dad she was booted for DADT [which is being repealed EVEN AS WE SPEAK YAY] and he supports her, and then I cried when he was all, "I will support your mission, soldier." Man, awesome father/daughter stories are so rare, and I have such a weakness for them. So many hearts for that.) to the story in the narrative present. And obviously, I now ship Kate/Renee, because duh.
+ I am going to attempt to finish my yuletide story, even though I defaulted. I need to finish something this month, or it'll be the first month in ten years I haven't finished a story, and I am not breaking that streak. I mean there are other things I could work on, too, but that's top of mind.
+ I got an email from LJ that they were going to automatically charge my credit card for an account renewal and I was like, Bzuh? because this is a permanent account and I have never had automatic payments enabled, but it was for
unfitforsociety, which I don't remember making paid, but I guess I did last year? So I am letting it lapse because I'm not going to pay them (unless I start seeing ads while logged in; then I might consider it, because, you know, no. Especially since I usually log into it with a different browser and thus don't have ad-block on. Otoh, I only post to it once a month, so spending $20 to renew it feels dumb.) Anyway, you should check to make sure they haven't turned that option on for you, because that is just a huge load of DO NOT WANT (automatic payments being the default, I mean. such bullshit).
Okay, I have to go do more laundry, and then possibly start wrapping presents, so I will end this here.
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