two for two in the red zone

Dec 13, 2010 21:03

Well, I just defaulted on yuletide, which gave me a sick little lurching feeling in my belly, though maybe that's because I need to go to bed soon because I have to get up at 4 am because we have to be at the hospital at 5 am. I still have the same 419 words of a story that I don't think is what my recipient would have wanted anyway, so I think it was the wisest idea, though the story is one I've wanted to write for a long time and would like to finish as it has a seasonal theme.

Anyway, we're all freaking out a little and working each other's nerves, but I appreciate all the kind words and well-wishes from you guys over the past week. The internet doesn't work on my phone in the hospital, but I get can texts, so if you have my number, feel free to text me, since we're arriving at the hospital at 5 am, the surgery is scheduled for 8 am, and the surgeon said it's a 4-5 hour procedure, barring complications. And then there's the waiting afterwards. So, you know, long day.

I guess I better start getting ready for bed.


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