nothing is forgotten or forgiven when it's your last time around

Dec 11, 2010 16:57

It's finally warming up again, well, where warm equals ~45°. Yesterday was so cold I wore a turtleneck under my turtleneck. And by repeating it twice, I have totally rendered the word "turtleneck" meaningless. Ah, I make my own fun.

Got my period today, which is the first time since I started tracking it with that it was 10 days late. I used to have a really irregular cycle, but it settled down in my mid-30s, and this is the first time in years that it went more than 35 days. I recommend if you need help tracking your cycle.


Holiday love meme! My thread is here, if you feel so inclined. I did a bunch of commenting last night, but I can see that it's grown since then, so I will have to go back and do some more.


I watched last night's SPN and I enjoyed it probably more than any other ep this season, aside from "Weekend at Bobby's," but if I see one more person give Kripke credit for Death as a cute girl, I might have to be that annoyingly pedantic fan who goes around correcting people, and I hate being that person (I mean, I am generally that person, but as I've gotten older, I've tried not to be so much). I don't even know if it was Gaiman's invention, though it's where I first ran into the conceit, but Tessa is explicitly (and per Kripke) a homage to Gaiman's Death, so it bugs me when people don't seem to know that, even if they haven't actually read Sandman (which I would always recommend they do, regardless). I love Tessa, and I totally ship her with Dean, but come on. I did enjoy that Death wanted Dean to learn a lesson about screwing with the natural order of things, since that is basically what the Winchesters have been doing since IMToD (or, chronologically, since ItB, but you know what I mean). Enjoyable as it was, I thought it was curiously lacking in any real tension until the very end. I also enjoyed Death carrying Sam's soul in a black bag. I'm sad they never showed us Sam with a band-aid on the back of his neck, like Marcellus Wallace; I always think of Pulp Fiction and the theory that it was his soul in that briefcase.


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