I gotta hurt for my man now

Nov 29, 2010 16:44

Good lord, this day needs to end NOW. I have had to apologize three times today for misreading emails and screwing things up, which is three times too many EVER, let alone in one day. I can't even write a coherent email message at this point (I literally typed "I'm sorry" and changed it to "I apologize" except, of course, I didn't, and so I sent an email to one of my bosses that said "I'm apologize." *facepalm*)

This is what happens when you rush everything and don't pay attention. Listen up, kids, don't be a screw-up like your aunt victoria. It makes the inside of your head a very unpleasant place to be.

Which is unfortunate, because during my lunch hour, I was happily contemplating unlikely yet awesome crossovers and fusions, like a Jason Todd/River Tam team up (so fucked up yet awesome!) and a Batfamily/West Wing fusion, which I'm still not sure who would be who, except that if Bruce is Jed, Barbara has to be CJ and Alfred has to be Leo. (And possibly, Jason = Ainsley, if only because I laugh and laugh at the idea of him being shuffled off to the the steam pipe trunk distribution venue for being psycho a Republican. And also if Dick=Sam...you see where I'm going with that.)

I blame silveronthetree.

When you contemplate awesome fannish fusion ideas, do you do it by personality? By relationship dynamics? Roles within the "family"? Always an interesting question.

Let's end with a meme. It'll give me something to think about when I get home other so I don't dwell on what a horrible day this has been.


Ask me about any character, and I will pick one of the following and tell you:

(a) Three facts about them from my personal fanon.
(b) Two reasons they're amazing.
(c) Five things that I'd like to see happen to them.
(d) Three people that I might ship that character with and why.
(e) If I don't know the character or the fandom, I will make something up.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/252242.html.
people have commented there.

we make our own fun, memes: fannish, i fail at glee!

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