all that it amounts to is a tear in a salted sea

Oct 21, 2010 14:19

Man, how is The Good Wife so consistently awesome?

I admit, I did not find the surprise! twist all that surprising - I saw Anika Nonie Rose's name in the credits, so I knew she was going to be important, and as soon as Ellis Grey promised Diane that she wasn't going to be the one running, I knew there had to be another candidate. Still, though, it throws everybody else out of whack.

Kalinda! Taking a baseball bat to Jason Street Blake's car! And literally grabbing him by the balls! I also love how Alicia gave her the heads up about Blake trying to cause trouble for her, but not pushing for any kind of explanation. ♥

Diane, as ever, was awesome. Her nudging look at Will when she was all, "Yes, let's invite the Florricks." ♥

And then Will and Alicia and Will, god. I hate that the voicemail thing happened, but it does give us scenes like this one, where Will thinks Alicia blew him off and Alicia thinks Will wants to forget the whole thing, and yet THEY BEHAVE LIKE ADULTS despite all the weird tension and stuff.

You know, I think the thing about this show is that it is very tense. I have to gear up to watch it. I don't always know what's going to happen next, and the stakes are pretty high for the characters I like most, so it makes me uncomfortable sometimes to watch in that way that you know it's possible things aren't going to work out well, or work out how you think they should. It's an exhilarating viewing experience, to say the least. And except for the unfortunately stupid Florrick kids, nearly everyone acts like an adult in the workplace. It is SO REFRESHING. Plus, it's FULL OF WOMEN - despite the heavyweight presence of Peter Florrick, Glenn Childs, Eli Gold, and Will Gardner (and the flyweight presence of Cary *snerk*), the women are all drivers of the action and the plots center around them and their responses to events, with the men on the periphery. As I said, it is SO REFRESHING.


I also dl'd and watched Hawaii Five-O and wow, was it series of fandom collisions. We start with Carmen from SPN, move on to TIM BAYLISS (also, JAKE KANE), AVON BARKSDALE, Hiro Nakamura, and Coach Tanaka from Glee.

Still don't like McGarrett's sister, though McGarrett mellows out a little after he's got laid so he wasn't quite as hateful in this episode. I love that they made the dude who was drugging the girls drink the roofied drink. I love that Kono used the dog as leverage. She and Chin need to do more. And Danny is still LOVE. And it's always lovely to see Jean Smart.


So, lemon buns. These are weird, because they are very definitely like yeasty dinner rolls, except sprinkled with sugar and having a citrusy flavor (I used fiori di Sicilia instead of lemon oil, which meant my hands smelled heavenly all day), which my taste buds find a really odd combination. I might make them again without the citrus flavoring and just eat them as rolls. As it is right now, I am contemplating picking up some strawberry preserves or maybe making some lemon curd to eat with them, because otherwise, I don't really know what to do with them. Warm with butter might also be the way to go.

Anyway, they are very easy, though they do require two ~90 minute rises.

Here is the dough before the first rise:

Here it is after the first rise:

Here it is separated into little balls, awaiting the second rise:

Here they are after the second rise, brushed with egg white and sugar:

As you can see, I wasn't diligent about placing the seam side down when I put them in the pan, and it resulted in some of the buns having fissures.

And here they are just out of the oven:

I feel like buns is kind of a misnomer, because with the exception of hotdog/hamburger buns, I always think of buns as sweet, and while these have a whiff of sweetness about them, they really are more like rolls. Hmm...


I was annoyed yesterday to think that I'd miss Fringe tonight because of my stupid cable outage, but then I realized that it wasn't on this week anyway, so I am not missing anything. Woo!


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