but you, you always lose

Oct 19, 2010 10:41

So I posted a story last night:

Easy as Pie
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; 1,405 words
In which Dean has a brilliant idea that even Sam (reluctantly) agrees is brilliant. Also, there is pie.

And, oh my god, I am such a ditz sometimes. I opened the update window and pasted the story text in and previewed it and noticed a bunch of typos (always somehow easier there than in Word), which I set about fixing. Then I got distracted by something (I am way too easily distracted), switched back to the Word doc, and made a change there. Then I pasted the Word version over the update window version, writing over ALL THE EDITING I HAD PREVIOUSLY DONE without even thinking about it. I'd fixed the typos, right? So I hit post and started reading through and was like, "wait, I fixed that," and "What? I thought I fixed that," and "NO REALLY I FIXED THAT." So I edited the story about seventeen times after I posted it, because zomg typos! missing words! rogue hard returns! *facepalm*

Anyway, it was a really fun story to write. It came about because I was telling angelgazing about my dream of following the food trucks around the city for a day and eating all meals from them - the cupcake truck, the waffle truck, the taco truck, the steak truck, etc. - and she was like, "There should be a pie truck. Sam and Dean should run a pie truck," and I said, "Dean would LOVE a pie truck," and then I pasted the conversation into Word and didn't look at it again for months.

But then I ran into a roadblock on the story I wanted to write for innie_darling's birthday (see my question yesterday about writing from the Middleman's POV), and I was like, "I NEED A STORY," and there was the pie truck story, waiting for me. (This is not the first story about pie I've written for someone's birthday, either. Many years back, I wrote a story called "Sirius v. the Pie" for mousapelli. It features exploding pie. *preens*)

Maybe s6 hasn't completely broken my ability to write Sam and Dean. And, once again, my enjoyment of really terrible puns (and Dean's preternatural ability to cheapen any moment) is on display. I amuse myself, anyway. Thanks to everyone who's commented. I really appreciate it.


I don't have anything to say about Chuck except ILU JOHN CASEY or Castle except 1. too many Grey's references (though I did like, "He's not McSteamy, he's McSkeevy!"), but 2. I really did like that last moment where Beckett says, "I'd get you out of jail." Aw.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/233484.html.
people have commented there.

tv: castle, we make our own fun, writing: my stories, tv: chuck

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