push the button and pull the plug

Oct 18, 2010 13:24

un. Happy birthday to innie_darling and tenaciousmetoo! ♥ I hope to have a story for you, um, soon? ish?

deux. If you've ever written Middleman fic, have you ever written from the POV of the Middleman? If so, HOW DO YOU DO THAT? Does he refer to himself in his head as "The Middleman"? If you're writing in tight 3rd person, do you use that or his name? (I can't bring myself to use his name!) I was going to write something and then was completely brought up short by these considerations. I suppose I could try 2nd person. Or, as angelgazing suggested, Ida's POV, but that would require more thought in regard to the story's structure. Hmm...

trois. gacked from hackthis:

Out of utter curiosity, if I was chained up in your attic (I prefer attics, basements are damp and cold, attics theoretically at least have windows), and I had to write you one story, what would you request? (demand?) Or alternatively, what's something you always hoped I'd write but know is never going to happen?


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/233022.html.
people have commented there.

flove, writing: pov, memes: writing

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