you got a hubcap diamond star halo

Oct 12, 2010 12:44

This morning's meeting went well, except for the part where the digital recorder didn't record it, so I have to do the minutes from my notes. Which would be fine except I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ACTUARIAL REPORT! AUUGH! And also, I hurt my back putting out extra chairs since the auditors brought extra people. The same auditors whose fault it was that I was here until after 7 pm on Friday. *growls*


I wrote some very non-pornographic threesome comment porn yesterday, and I'm posting it here so I can find it if I ever need to. It needs a title, I guess. Huh. Feel free to suggest something in comments. though I suppose I could just call it untitled #27. *snerk*

untitled #27
White Collar; Peter/Neal/Elizabeth; pg-13? it's mostly implication; 252 words
Peter always did have a type.

Peter likes watching Neal with Elizabeth. It's still new enough that Neal's tentative when he starts, looking at both of them for permission whenever he moves his hands on Elizabeth's body, and Peter's not sure yet how much of that is just for show. Peter always knew Neal enjoyed performing, but never realized how much he'd like watching. Never thought he'd get the chance.

This is the only time Peter wishes he had Neal's talent for painting, because he'd like to paint the two of them together, dark hair falling over fair skin flushed with passion and laughter, blue eyes darkening with need. Elizabeth laughs into Neal's mouth, her gaze sparking with mischief as she catches Peter's, her body arching up into Neal's touch as he kisses his way down.

Peter leans forward, hands curling on his thighs, not touching either them or himself as he watches--that can wait. He doesn't want to miss any of the performance Neal's putting on for him, the way it makes Elizabeth writhe and moan and call his name, her body tensing and bowing as she comes. She collapses back against the pillows, chest heaving, and Neal glances over his shoulder at Peter, pink tongue licking at glistening lips.

Peter closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, opening them in surprise when he feels two sets of hands grabbing him. He laughs at the matching grins on their faces when they pull him into the bed between them.

He always did have a type.


It amuses and fascinates me that Neal and Elizabeth (and Kate) all look like they could be related. Even if Peter doesn't have a type, the casting director surely does.

And in return for writing that, the generous and talented
petra wrote The moon is full again, a lovely snippet of Batman/Catwoman rooftop sex. ♥

I suppose I should actually do some of the work that piled up while I was in the meeting this morning, huh? Sigh.


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peter/neal/el, fic: white collar, my life so hard

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