who can say where they're blowing?

Oct 02, 2010 12:01

So last night with dessert, I had an iced mochaccino, and even though I thought I'd eaten enough to make it not a problem, I was up until 4:30 am, and then I was awake at 7:30 am. Caffeine + PMS-insomnia = no sleep for victoria. Sigh.

It did give me time to watch all the stuff that was backlogged, so, in brief:


How much do I not care about Booth's new girlfriend, and Brennan's oblivious jealousy? I totally ship Booth/Brennan, but I'm already tired of this storyline and Brennan's continued insistence that love doesn't exist. It might not, empirically, but if people live as if it does, I'm not sure it really matters, because their behavior will be what it is. Also from the moment the park ranger showed up in Booth's office, I knew he was the killer. On the upside, Clark Edison returns! ♥



This remains utterly adorable. Not very deep, but adorable enough that I don't care, even if I still wish it was more about the catering business. Anyway. I also enjoyed the OT3 vibe with Nash, but he's incidental to my enjoyment. Steven and Sam are just TOO ADORABLE for me to need someone else added to the mix. I also still find Hoyt a little too OTT, but I am amused at his "Mrs. Agent Bloom" because that seems totally how he would refer to her.


Hawaii Five-O

Wee!Sam! Max Medina! It was a Gilmore Girls by proxy reunion! Heh. Also, Colin Ford is growing up fast. He was very good, I thought, though mostly I spent this episode going, "I love you, Danno" and "I love you, Kono," and "I love you, Chin Ho Kelly," and "Wow, Steve McGarrett, I do not love you, but if I pretend the show is about how you're a douchebag and your team covers for you even though they also think you're a douchebag," I am okay with it. I'm probably not supposed to have been on Danny's side re: the torture, but of course I am, and I would have liked his point about how under fear of death, people will say anything to have been relevant. I also enjoyed Kono being competent and keeping the kid calm during the kidnapping, and though I think it's way early for McGarrett to be pulling out the "We're a family" speech (maybe they could have had her, I don't know, actual cousin say that part?), I did think it was adorable how they showed up in uniform and gave her her own graduation ceremony. Say what you want about this show, but I think its writers know exactly what it is and exactly what people watching it want to see, and they delivered.


Yesterday, I also watched the three part s4 finale of Teen Titans, which I really liked a lot. And which also totally cemented the whole three-way Robin/Starfire/Raven thing that I have in my head. I am not going to look for fic, because I find the idea terrifying, but I'm totally going to enjoy imagining the three of them negotiating a relationship. Plus, Slade! Being awesome! Am I supposed to like him as much as I do? Because I really do. I mean, in a villainy way. S5 is not available by my usual methods, and looking at the episode summaries, I'm not sure I'm really interested in watching it? But I did find and dl the origins episode, which made me find more room in my heart for Beast Boy and Cyborg, whom I've liked but mostly not loved, so that was good. Beast Boy! So adorably sad and looking for a team to join! Oh, heart.

I so did not expect it, but this show completely hit several of my narrative kinks like a hammer and I'm really glad I watched it, or most of it, anyway. Enough that I'm giving it its own tag, even. I'll have to track down a used copy of the movie, since that is also not available from my usual sources.


Now, perhaps, instead of going looking for icons of H50 or the Blooms (or Lisa and Dean), I should shower and make an attempt to do something useful. Or maybe just go see a movie. *snerk* (Though if you know where good icons of any of those are to be found, drop me a comment.)

In other news, yesterday's poll was nearly unanimous, so I did end up ordering the pans, even though Crate and Barrel charges an exorbitant amount for shipping. I'm excited! Fancy roasting pans! Yay!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/225787.html.
people have commented there.

tv: undercovers, batman, tv: hawaii five-o, tv: bones, tv: teen titans

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