hold me, love me, tie me up and drug me

Sep 28, 2010 10:26

Last night's Chuck was adorable. The fight on the catwalk! The tranq gloves! The Hulk confessing his love to the wrong lady! Shirtless, mother henning Awesome! Isaiah Mustafa and the price gun! The wind effects (i.e., Morgan with a fan) as Jeffster et al. returned to the Buy More! (though, man, every time I think they can't make them any creepier, somehow they are creepier in their next appearance. I mean, the only way to top "I think my water broke" had to be "Is there room in that womb for two?" *shudders* BLEACH! STAT!) I don't care one way or the other about Chuck/Sarah, particularly, but the show is SO MUCH BETTER without all their will-they-won't-they angst clogging up the works. ♥

I also enjoyed Castle very much - Martha! ♥ (also, Ryan and Esposito, as always, FTW!) - but I wish they would 1. give Lanie more to do, and 2. stop dressing Beckett like a supermodel and start dressing her like a cop again. I thought they did well with that before, but now her clothes are a distraction.

I went to bed instead of watching Hawaii Five-O, so I guess I'll watch that tonight.


Have a poem:

The Sea Witch

When she gave me her voice
mirrors cracked, I sang love songs off balconies,
recited Shakespeare. I ran around the house
laughing into the echoes, brandishing
my voice like a jewelled blade.

When she gave me her voice
I joined a sex line. I did voiceovers, radio adverts,
the impressions run at Stratford.
I cold-called, played pranks, learnt Chinese.

When she gave me her voice
I learned evil, seduced men with poems,
campaigned for their free speech,
screamed injustices out into the megaphoned night.

I revelled in every argument I was involved in.

When she gave me her voice
I began to like words like "haberdashery" and "marzipan".
I lured sailors onto the oceans rocky shelves
to read them ghost stories about Atlantis.

When she gave me her voice
I raided dictionaries looking for the longest words.
Then I pouted at the mirror, tenderly,
I unfurled each one like a private sutra.

When she gave me her voice
I bought a tape recorder,
and one glittering piece at a time
traded all of my treasure for canisters of helium.

~David Tait


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tv: castle, poetry, tv: chuck

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