and if you've made a deal with the guy with the horns and the cape

Sep 24, 2010 22:39

Supernatural: Exile on Main St.

What the actual fuck was that? That was such a load of horseshit, I swear to god. It was like one, "WTF? SERIOUSLY?" after another.

Like, I knew about Mitch Pileggi and the bullshit of Samuel still being around, because of course only the men get resurrected, but seriously? Is that even him?

Also, I seem to recall he lived the suburban life with his family, and still hunted. And Sam was out of the game longer than Dean and Dean never condescended to him like that. I like Lisa and I like the idea of Ben more than the execution, and I like Dean/Lisa just fine, so I'm happy for Dean to stay there with her, but you know, Sam could stay too. They could use it as a home base and hunt from there. It's not unheard of! And okay, the show is a road show, so obviously they are going to go out on the road a lot, but having it be all one way or the other isn't required, and it makes me crazy every time they demand that it is, even with people like Bobby and Rufus and Ellen around. Oh wait, I forgot, Ellen is still dead. Fuckers.

I just think it was badly written and poorly characterized. Like, Sam's behavior MAKES NO SENSE to me, as a writer or a viewer. It was like they took every bad thing any fan ever said about Sam and made it part of his characterization tonight. It felt totally false and contrived, like poorly manufactured ~drama~ instead of an organic outgrowth of last season, where Sam did some growing and maturing. And okay, he was in hell for a bit, but I didn't think that rendered him an idiot, which is how he came off here. "Oh, I wanted you to be happy, so I didn't tell you I was out of hell, and I'm totally going to mock you for trying to make the best of the promise I demanded from you (and allow random strangers I keep referring to as FAMILY mock you), but now that you know, you need to stop being happy and come back to hunting. No? Okay, then, I'll be in touch, even though I didn't call you for a whole year and had everyone else keep my return a secret! I'll be hunting with my FAMILY!" WHAT EVEN WAS THAT? I DON'T EVEN KNOW BUT I KNOW I DIDN'T WANT IT OR LIKE IT. JESUS FUCK. I KNOW COMING BACK FROM HELL FUCKS YOU UP BUT WHAT WAS THAT EVEN?

Maybe it will be easier than I thought to break up with this show, because man, I just feel like this was not AT ALL the show I signed on for, because I am SO FUCKING TIRED of Sam and Dean being separated and not on the same page. Let them be together! Let them work their shit out together! WHY IS THAT SO HARD?

(I did get sniffly at Dean offering Sam the Impala, and also the first time Dean lifted the tarp off her. Oh, baby, you deserve better. And I thought the episode title was perfect. Too bad I didn't like the episode.)


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