of scars that won't heal

Sep 23, 2010 23:00


Oh, man, does this show make me cringe sometimes, but I do love the characters. Cam! I wish there had been more about her being AWESOME on her own, because she is, but I love that Caroline got the team back together for her. I also love Caroline. And Booth. And Hodgins and Angela and Sweets and Wendell! I don't like Brennan's new hair, and I am unsure of how they're going to deal with her "jealousy" over Booth's new girlfriend. And a little Daisy goes a long, long way.

Otoh, I laugh and laugh that there was a LITERAL ELEPHANT in the room representing Booth and Brennan's unresolved relationship issues. Oh, show.

Then it was finally time for Fringe

BUBBLES! OH MY GOD, ANDRE ROYO, HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME? ♥♥♥♥♥ I am so happy you're there to make sure Olivia remembers who she really is!

Olivia! I hope she gets to keep the sharpshooting skills when she remembers she's not alt!Olivia! Also, I think I'm in the minority on this, but I don't like the red hair. I much prefer her as a blonde. I guess alt!Olivia dyed hers back ASAP? Or time runs differently here as opposed to there?

Anyway. OLIVIA! NOT SHOOTING CHARLIE! "Thanks for not shooting me." Oh, ♥ Charlie! I'm so happy to see you! I hope you end up being on Olivia's side. Because she is awesome and she needs you! I also loved her rescuing herself from creepy lab techs YET AGAIN, this time in a hospital johnny. And that was Massive Dynamic scientist dude, being all creepy mad scientist tech with Walternate!

I also love that it was seeing her mom that really got her to believe it; I have a feeling Ella and Rachel are going to be instrumental in alt!Olivia's story - whether it's exposing her as the other Olivia or helping her see that our side should maybe not actually be destroyed.

So is there no Nina Sharp on the other side? Inquiring minds want to know! Also, daily trips to the moon! How is the other side so much more awesome technology-wise? Because of William Bell? Because Walternate didn't lose 17 years to a mental institution?

It didn't have any moment quite as awesome as Olivia bursting through the windshield an hour after the accident (so maybe time does move differently there? Which is why the two 'verses don't match up very often?), but overall I thought it was a great way to start the season. OLIVIA!

So that was happy-making. Also, is it me, or does Joshua Jackson have a Clooney-esque air in some of his scenes? I first noticed it in that shot from the pilot (I think it's from the pilot - here), and also at the very end of this ep, it happened again. I find it plausible but disconcerting, at any rate.

Then I watched Big Bang Theory.

"Still digging the Shamy?"

"My honey tree is free!"

I don't even - you guys, I laughed so hard at so much of it. I mean, it was obvious from the moment they showed the robot arm where it was going, but basically it was half an hour of Winnie the Pooh references and groaningly awful dick jokes AND YOU KNOW I AM ALL OVER THAT. *is the twelvest*

Raj is still my favorite. Also, Sheldon's semi-incestuous square-dancing date with his sister. *dies* Also, also, how did no one else get Amy's pun? I totally laughed.


In other news, since my bag broke this morning, I cleaned it out and dumped everything into a work-supplied tote bag for my trip home, and discovered $18.24 in change in the bottom of the bag (and underneath the lining, which had ripped a long, long time ago). No wonder it was always so fucking heavy! I guess that's my specialty coffee beverage fund for a few days. Heh.

I took a nap when I got home, and it's amazing how just one more hour of sleep can make me feel like a whole new person. This weekend, I really am going to take ALL the naps.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/221984.html.
people have commented there.

tv: fringe, tv: bones, tv: big bang theory, i am okay with that!

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