we'll drink til we're drowning

Sep 04, 2010 20:55

Today is the 10th anniversary of the first story I posted on the internet. Crazy, I know! Ten years. That is a whole fifth grader!

To observe this ficaversary, I posted a story in the wee small hours last night/this morning:

The Zombie Love Bug Concatenation
Supernatural/The Middleman; Dean/Wendy, Sam; pg; 3,025 words
There are zombies at the mall. This is not a metaphor.

This is the story that originally had the summary, "In which Dean Winchester and Wendy Watson meet, kill zombies, and fuck." That is an apt description of the story, though sadly, the sex is all off-screen. It seemed too tonally abrupt otherwise. Otoh, I feel that any story in the multiverse could be improved by the addition of zombies that need killin', Dean Winchester, and/or Wendy Watson, and random activation of pontoons, so the sex might have been gilding the lily anyway. (This story was, in fact, titled "The Pontoon Profligacy" right up until about five minutes before I posted. I will have to use that for a MM story at some point. There must be a reason the Middlemobile has pontoons, right? Possibly a swamp monster should be involved. I shall have to think on it.)

Anyway, I used to talk about it a lot with mousapelli and we used to crack each other up coming up with random jokes to use. Part of me wishes I'd been more specific about the location, which is kind of amorphous, mostly because The Middleman TV show looks to me like it takes place somewhere in California, though the comics seem to take place in New York (and the name Jolly Fats Wehawkin, misspelling of Weehawken notwithstanding, would seem to indicate New Jersey, and now I want to write a whole thing where Wendy actually grew up in Union City and Wendy's mom moved down to Miami after Wendy went to art school, because, um, one of my best friends is Cuban-American and she grew up in Union City and her mom moved to Miami after she (my friend D., I mean) got married, and there was a time I was relatively familiar with the area, and also the bars and clubs in Hoboken. But that was in the early 90s and now I feel really old. /digression Anyway, I feel like there has to be a hilariously terrible dick joke in there somewhere, but I haven't found it yet, so alas, Dean didn't get to make it.)

Anyway, it amused me, and it amused mousapelli and angelgazing, and it appears to have amused some of you too, so it's all good. This pleases me. Thank you.

Last night, I went back and reread the first story I ever posted, and aside from a couple of POV slips and the unfortunate tendency to drop people's Gs in dialogue, it wasn't bad. I can't vouch for a lot of the other early stuff I wrote, but that one holds up pretty well.

I went to a bbq at my sister's today, and now I'm just wiped. I'm ready for bed. I can barely keep my eyes open. Hope you had a good Saturday, too.



This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/213628.html.
people have commented there.

all shall love me and despair, writing: my stories

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