we fall but our souls are flying

Jul 16, 2010 10:35

Thank you to everyone who sent lovely birthday wishes. I really appreciate it. ♥

And thanks so much to the folks who wrote me stories!

Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by innie_darling, is a fantastic look at how Kalinda came to be the cool character we know and love on the show. (The Good Wife, Kalinda, pg)

Growing Season, by
dotfic, is an adorably bantery Tony/Pepper story, in which Tony keeps bringing Pepper fruit until he gets it right. (Iron Man, Tony/Pepper, pg)

We all got in tune, by
gloss, is a deliciously sweet and hot Wendy/Lacey/Noser threesome story. (Middleman, Wendy/Lacey/Noser, adult)

Five Things Peter Remembered (In)correctly, by smilebackwards, is a sharp, achy look at the discrepancies young!Peter must have experienced after he got better. I wish the show would address this a little more. (Fringe, Peter, g)


My bosses gave me a vermilion plant, which is allegedly low-maintenance enough that even a noted plant-killer like me should be able to keep it alive. We'll see.

fleurdeleo and I went to T Bar Steak & Lounge for dinner, where the prix fixe was $35 and I had a great dinner of filet mignon and chocolate mousse. I had two glasses of wine and it went right to my head, so I went home and climbed into bed, unable to keep my eyes open. I was in bed by 9 on my 40th birthday. I don't even know. *hands*

I also posted a story yesterday, my birthday mathom for all y'all:

Put No Trust in the Morrow
Supernatural; Sam/Dean; pg; spoilers through 5.07; 2,285 words
Seize the day; put no trust in the morrow.

Of course, once again, A Softer World is down when I post a story inspired by one of their comics, so you can't see that it said something like (and I paraphrase) "We did everything wrong, but the world didn't end. It would have been easier if it had." Clearly, it was about Sam and Dean. *snerk*

If that doesn't blow your skirt up, here's a list of the stories I've posted on (or around) previous birthdays:

Thieves Like Us
Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; adult; 595 words
I do not love you, except because I love you

The Most Gorgeously Stupid Thing
Harry Potter; James/Lily/Remus/Sirius; adult; 5,286 words
James and Sirius share everything.

The Likes of Which You Ain't Ever Seen
Firefly; Mal, Kaylee, ensemble; pg; 2,872 words
In which Jayne is in jail, Mal puts his foot in his mouth, and Kaylee and River ride to the rescue.

The Love There That's Sleeping
Harry Potter; Sirius/Remus; pg-13; 4,460 words
Remus looked like he had a secret, and Sirius desperately wanted to know.

The Stormy Present
Supernatural/Battlestar Galactica; Dean/Kara; adult; 7,620 words
Kara's a pilot, and Dean hates flying.

These two lanes will take us anywhere
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; 750 words
The night's busted open / these two lanes will take us anywhere

All in all, it was a good day. I spoke to my brother and my sister, got texts from two of my nieces, and slept for a full ten hours at the end of it all. *snerk* On Sunday, we're having family dinner and cake, which will also be good. (And I have to remember to buy Dom a present.)



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people have commented there.

flove, genghis khan could bring it on, my birthday

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