how does your heart beat, and why do you breathe?

Jul 06, 2010 11:24

30 Days of TV meme

Day 01 - A show that should have never been canceled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 - Your favorite new show (aired this TV season)
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate
Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show
Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times
Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
Day 14 - Favorite male character

Day 15 - Favorite female character
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Day 19 - Best TV show cast

Day 20 - Favorite kiss

I thought about Josh and Donna's first kiss (I waited seven years for that!) or Luke and Lorelai's first kiss (that is where canon ends for me!), and even though I've never been a Kara/Lee shipper, I like that kiss he gives her when she gets back from Caprica with the Arrow of Apollo, because it's playful and friendly and just a little desperate and "Thank God, you're alive!" and I may have watched it a few times. *cough* I also really like the kiss Eric gives Tami when they're on the balcony and she tells him she's pregnant.

But my gut response is the Clothes Fluke, because I was a hardcore Xander/Willow shipper back in the day, and it was just so beautifully done, with "How" playing in the background and the dancing and the formalwear and then "It was a fluke! A clothes fluke! And there will be no more fluking!" ♥

Yes, I really am that schmoopy. Don't tell anybody, okay? I have a reputation to maintain.

Day 21 - Favorite ship
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First TV show obsession
Day 29 - Current TV show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death


So I started writing this story with this fantastic idea and as I wrote the story I - and the character - realized that no, it actually wasn't going to work the way I (and he) envisioned, and now I am just depressed (he is, too, fwiw). Also, I have to figure out how to wrap it up and what to title it, because I'm not sure the current title still fits. I especially hate having to retitle things, because it's always somehow harder than titling in the first place (which is plenty difficult a lot of the time, though less so since I started keeping my list of titles to use, and also, I still have about 95 WW titles to use).

I also have to figure out what I'm writing for my birthday, if I'm going to finish one of the numerous wsip I have going on, or if I'm just going to bang something totally new out (some girl!Sam porn, perhaps). I've actually been writing more the last few days (writing at all, which I hadn't been doing for a couple of weeks before vacation), so there's been movement on some of the wsip, including the one I mentioned above. I'm always afraid, every time I finish a story, that it will be the last story I finish. Which is why I end up writing things like "you'll be someone you wouldn't understand" in practically one sitting, just to prove to myself I can still do it.

Why can't it be easier? Why so difficult, writing? WHY?

*shakes tiny ineffectual fist at the sky*


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writing: neuroses, memes: 30 days of tv, tv: btvs, my life so hard

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