life is in the living not the telling anyway

Jun 06, 2010 23:23

Today I cleaned out the fridge of some food items that were just past their expiry date and weren't shy about letting me know it. The last two weeks were crazy at work and in offline life, so I fell off the not-ordering-in wagon, and that meant I wasted food, which makes me feel like crap on various levels.

But, on the upside, today I also baked bread, using King Arthur Flour's Whole Grain Multi-grain Bread mix (I would link, but it appears to have been discontinued - it was a free promotional item) and while I haven't tasted it yet, it rose like no bread I have ever baked has risen, twice. And it rose in the pan, so it is true sandwich bread height. I don't know if it's their special SAF yeast that they pimp all over the place, or if it was the heat and humidity today (even though I had the AC on all day, mostly because I had the oven on for a couple of hours), but it was amazing to me. Possibly I could be converted to using their mixes, which... well, I already consider their catalogues porn for my baking soul. I did take a picture of the finished product, but I'm too lazy to get it off the camera atm. I'll let you know how it tastes.

Then, after I had dinner (it was too hot to stand over the stove making risotto, which was my original plan, so I just toasted a poppy bagel in the oven for 5 minutes and slathered it in cream cheese; it was tasty. I miss my daily poppy bagel with cream cheese breakfast, even now), I baked the orange cranberry loaf for this week's sandwiches. It's ridiculously easy, but I get to feel virtuous that I've baked my own bread and my own breakfast for the week.

On Friday, I finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, which I found quite charming, and moving in spots. I can usually take or leave epistolary novels, but this one worked for me. It made me wish people still wrote long, newsy letters. It's a fast read, about people brought together by their love of books, and how books opened up the lives of various people, and that's always the kind of story that will resonate for me, so if you like those kinds of stories, you should give it a shot. It's a fast read, and as I said, definitely moving in spots.

Now the weekend is over again. I hate how that happens so quickly. Sigh.


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