i'm a free man with no place free to go

Jun 03, 2010 22:57

Oh, Burn Notice, I draw sparkly pink hearts around you.

Robert Wisdom, it's so good to see you back on my tv, being affably menacing. Hopefully you'll be treated better than you were on SPN. Hmph.

Michael! ♥ I think Michael Westen is basically Batman, without the cape. And without the manpain. I mean, he has manpain? But he doesn't brood over it. Much. And he has Sam and Fi and Maddie to pull him out of it.

Maddie! ♥ That hug at the end. Oh, heart. I love how they've finally integrated her into the show - their relationship is prickly, but it's loving. ♥

Sam! ♥

Fi! ♥ I loved when she punched Michael, and then she kissed him. I occasionally am annoyed by Fi (or by how they write her), but she does bring the awesome fairly often.

I was also happy to see Barry! I enjoy the show's recurring characters and wish it would make more use of them, maybe introduce a couple more who aren't just antagonists. Also, wow, way to waste Michael Ironside. He keeps showing up and getting killed in the teasers of things. What's up with that?

So that pleased me. And soon all my other summer shows will be back. It's like USA network is celebrating my birthday, bringing Psych and White Collar back the week of my birthday. *g*


I am really craving some good SPN/Criminal Minds crossovers. I've read and reread these so often that if they were actually on paper, the pages would be worn. I guess my issue is I really don't want there to be pairings I dislike in the stories, which means anything involving Reid having sex is pretty much out. I also am not interested in things where Sam is dead and Dean is having sex with a member of the BAU (though if there is any Dean/Garcia fic out there, I might make an exception). I just want casefiles, mostly, and I don't know when, if ever, the ones on my list will be written. I'm tired right now, and I want someone else to do the work so I can wallow in the crossovery goodness. Heh.

Anyway, if you have recs, I would appreciate them. Or you could write some for me. Sam and Dean being snarky with Prentiss and Morgan! Reid and Sam competing for the title walking encyclopedia of weirdness. Morgan and Dean kicking in doors together! You know what I like! and what I dislike.

(Note: Please check that short list linked above before you recommend something.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/176819.html.
people have commented there.

tv: burn notice, my flist knows everything, you should totally write that

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