and don't you ever come down

Jun 02, 2010 21:49

This was my day:

6:45 am: alarm goes off
8 am: get to work
8 am - 8:30 am: do final prep for board meeting (deal with food, any AV glitches, make sure speakers know what's going on, greet board members etc.)
8:30 am - 10:30 am: take copious notes at board meeting to turn into minutes
10:30 am - 11 am: clean board room for next meeting
11 am - 11:45 am: deal with work email; eat a bagel; get instructions on role for the evening's event
11:45 am - 12 noon: walk to city hall (through a throng of protesting firefighters)
12:10 pm - 2:10 pm: take copious notes at city council budget hearing to turn into report for boss and senior staff (man, do the city council members enjoy the sound of their own voices)
2:20 pm - 3:30 pm: sort through more work email, get more instructions on evening event, make half-hearted attempt to tidy desk covered with detritus from board meeting
3:30 pm - 4 pm: 1 train to event location
4 pm - 5 pm: help prep ballroom for event (goodie bags on chairs, programs on tables, etc.)
5 pm - 8:30 pm: herd board members and sponsors and family members of honoree towards photographer and/or v.v. so all photographs on extensive list of things to be photographed at event can be checked off; stand and/or walk through entire event (event successful; have one v&t that was about 3/4 Ketel One and 1/4 tonic; eat only dessert because there's no time to eat while actual dinner is occurring)
8:30 pm - 8:40 pm: quick event post-mortem with boss and event planner
8:40 pm: get thanked and sent home by boss
8:45 pm - 9 pm: cab ride home
9:05 pm: put feet up and sigh with relief
9:30 pm: order cheeseburger from diner
9:32 pm - present: wait for cheeseburger to be delivered so it can be devoured like a wounded antelope by a pride of lions

I realize that I don't have the most demanding job ever, and also that I am a lazy so-and-so, but man, today was busy. I am tired. A good tired, like I worked hard and accomplished things, but my feet hurt, even though I wore my most comfortable sandals, and I just want some food I don't have to cook myself.

On the upside, it's over! And it all went well! \o/


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all shall love me and despair, work, my life so hard

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