maybe that's a lie

May 26, 2010 13:21

I meant to post this when the meme was actually going around again, and then *hands* life happened. And I finished another story (another four stories, actually, but three are remixes, so I can't list them yet), so it's 21 instead of 20, but whatever.

Here are the first lines of my last 21 stories meme, this time from

21 first lines:

1a. That first night, Dean is up all night, and Lisa stays up with him as long as she can. (The Prison and the Open Hand; SPN)

1. Sam comes out of the shower to an empty motel room. (The Ewok to Your Wookiee; SPN)

2. Dean hides it pretty well, but Sam can tell he's already (or maybe still--Sam doesn't know and doesn't think it matters) drunk. (turn my grief to grace; SPN)

3. Dean's the kind of guy who will bitch for hours about a paper cut or a hangover, but attempt to hide any real illness or injury. (The Cold; SPN)

4. The leather cord unwinds itself from Dean's fingers and for a second, the amulet dangles over the trash can. (The Bloodied Fist of Hope; SPN)

5. It's an accident that Dean even finds out when he does. (The Life of Umbrellas; SPN)

6. Dean catalogues the changes in Sam automatically--his hair is longer, his jacket looser, his movements tentative in a way Sam generally isn't--but he doesn't expect Sam to flinch away from him when he offers Ruby's knife. (May as Well Crash with Me; SPN)

7. It's around five in the evening, late winter twilight starting to lengthen the days, when the first one shows up. (Disaster Relief; SPN)

8. Rory looks at the ingredients spread out on the kitchen table, and then at Paris. (Cookies and Conversations; Gilmore Girls)

9. "You don't have to do this," Emily says, and Lorelai stops, hand extended to push the door into the kitchen open. (Tart but Sweet; Gilmore Girls)

10. "My birthday is Tuesday," Rory says. (Cupcakes Take the Cake; Gilmore Girls)

11. The house has ten rooms. (you are a house around which I am a wind; SPN)

12. Neal and El are two of the smartest people Peter knows, but he's on to them. (Surprise, Party; White Collar)

13. After a long, hard week of delivering packages in the chilly winter rain, there's nothing Original Cindy likes better than a hot, sweet-smelling soak in the bathtub. (The Girly Arts; Dark Angel)

14. Meg doesn't remember the first time Mother and Father took her to the star-watching rock. (this earth makes sanctuary where I stand; L'Engleverse)

15. Sam buys cheap cotton bras at Wal-Mart and wears them until they fall apart from being washed too often. (The Short List; SPN)

16. Zoe don't believe in much anymore. (Target Practice; Firefly)

17. Tami knows how to handle this. (The Mommy Problem; FNL)

18. "Nobody remembers what this guy looks like, but they can all tell us about his tattoo?" Beau said. (Shutdown; HLotS)

19. Jamie's always loved horror movies. (Working on the Sequel; SPN)

20. Dean stands under the lukewarm spray of the shower, trying to wash the nearly permanent gritty feeling from his eyes. (Suicidal in the Morning; SPN)

What do they say about my writing? I'm still in present tense all the time. I usually start out very strongly in the POV character's head, though not always, and sometimes I start with dialogue. The sentences can be long and full of clauses, or very short. I really don't know what else they say. I don't think any of these in particular are great opening lines, though I think some are more compelling than others. Maybe I should have looked at first paragraphs? First five lines? I don't know. you tell me.


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