the only way to beat it is to bat it down

May 06, 2010 23:17

Bones: The Witch in the Wardrobe

Let's just pretend Ellen Tigh was awesome and that whole evil wicca thing never happened. Just ff through everything but the Angela/Hodgins bits and Booth and Brennan at the end. And some of Clark Edison. I think he's really my favorite intern. But mostly, ANGELA & HODGINS GOT MARRIED! EEEEEEEEEE! FINALLY!


Supernatural: Two Minutes to Midnight

A shrimping boat off Delacroix? Someone was listening to "Tangled Up in Blue" while writing this ep, huh? And also, Serenity Valley Convalescent Home! not an auspicious name, but clearly on point, as clearly no one there gets out alive. So you think Gamble's a Firefly fan? Or was it a nod to Edlund? Eunice Kennedy. *snerk*

Death is totally my new favorite (or at least tied with Crowley), which isn't a surprise. I can't think of any fictional incarnation of Death I haven't liked. I would have liked it even more if Death had been a woman - why do we never see any of the reapers as women either, except Tessa? - but I can accept that it's probably better to keep it the white boy sausagefest. It's less infuriating that way. Nice use of the "O Death" song from the promos.

Okay, so two weeks ago Dean watched a roomful of gods get killed, but he's surprised that Death is going to reap God at the end? Death reaps everything in the end, and then turns out the lights. Also, I'm sad Dean didn't offer to play chess (or battleship!) with Death.

So Sam gets sent off with Castiel and Bobbby because he's immune to Croatoan - and Dean drives off with a demon? Mirror of last season's finale, sort of, huh?

Who didn't know Michael was gonna wear Adam to the big dance? So I'm glad the Death thing was a twist.

who thought Bobby was going to cack it in the warehouse? I know I was hoping Castiel would, now that he's human, but I'm guessing we're going to be stuck with him next season too. Blurgh.

Also, Sam's the LEAST of them? SERIOUSLY, SHOW? SERIOUSLY? WTF? IT IS NOT TRUE, SAMMY. Of all the things you could have absorbed from Dean over the past few years, his self-esteem issues were not the right takeaway! "All that's left is me." Yes, Sam! Now you have to stop the sword with your bare hands and send Angelus to hell! I mean, um, beat the devil.

Sam has a darkness inside him! I'm saying you got a darkness, Sam Winchester, you got a darkness inside of you. You gotta know the darker, uglier sides of yourself. You gotta recognize them, so they're not constantly sneaking up on you; you gotta love 'em because they're part of you, because along with your virtues they make you who you are. Virtue isn't virtue unless it slams up against vice, so consequently, your virtue is not real virtue until it's been tested... tempted.

Why does Bobby seem surprised that Sam saved ten people in the warehouse? Yes, Sam's made some really bad decisions, and he's had a bad couple of years, and he's got his flaws, but he's a good guy, and the fact that Bobby needed to be reminded of this is kind of startling. (I think it's more that the PTB want to remind viewers, because wow, have they made him unsympathetic to a lot of people; it makes me so sad that so many fans of the show apparently hate Sam. I don't understand why anyone would watch if they hate him, because he's integral. There's no Dean without Sam, and no show - no show I'd want to watch - without him, either.)

Was I the only one expecting Sam to give Dean the amulet when he instead offered Ruby's knife? I would really like that to come back into play, though I'm afraid
inalasahl might be right, that to the writing staff, the amulet was a symbol of Sam replacing John with Dean as a father figure, and Sam and Dean are done with father figures, so it won't come back, but I still think it's a symbol of Sam and Dean's endless ridiculous until the end of the world love for each other, so I think it will have to come into play next week.

Both boys were exceptionally pretty tonight.

Since this has been the world's slowest, least proactive apocalypse ever, I am perfectly okay with the Crowley-and-Death ex machina we're getting. 'Cause lord knows, Sam and Dean are apparently not smart enough to do any of the research or legwork themselves. This is mostly a writing issue, because this is how the writers have set the plot up, but it's lazy, lazy writing to let your heroes flail around impotently while events overtake them, and then have various macguffins handed to them by angels and demons and horsemen. Inevitability blah blah blah they're in over their heads, but the show isn't, in the end, about people being overwhelmed by fate (at least, if it is, Kripke's no Aeschylus, I tell you what, because none of it feels like ananke; it feels like lazy writing), it's about people overcoming the shit sandwich life hands them. At least, so it's always seemed to me, and I would really like the finale next week to bear that out.

Otoh, it better not end with Sam in hell this time and Dean spending next season trying to get him back. That is also not a show I want to watch. They can be in hell together, or they can both be alive at the end, but no more of this separation bullshit. It is not what I signed on for.

I feel like I kind of lost the plot of this post, so I'll just leave it there for now.


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