but when love is at home it's the best

May 03, 2010 14:19

Since I gave away the brown butter pound cake to fleurdeleo to take to her office, I had to bake myself something for breakfast this week, instead of making ice cream last night like I'd hoped. I mean, I originally baked the cake to give away, but then I hadn't heard from her, so I was thinking I'd just keep it for myself, but then I did hear from her, so, you know, that happened. I have orange cranberry cake instead, which, to be honest, I like better. The pound cake was good, no lie, but I'm not really a pound cake person. The orange cranberry cake, otoh, is one of my very favorite things. The day innie_darling shared that recipe was a great day indeed.


So on Wednesday afternoon I bought myself a new unlimited 30 day metrocard. On Friday evening, after my pedicure, I met up with fleurdeleo for beer and nachos, and when I got home, my new $89 metrocard was no longer in my pocket. Sigh. Luckily, I always buy my metrocard with a credit card, so I have the receipts to send in for the reimbursement program, and because of that, I was able to call the MTA (and spend 18 minutes on hold) and they will be refunding me for the balance left on the card (it works out to $77.22; they have some formula for deducting per day). You don't need the receipt to get refunded - you can also give them the credit or debit card # you used, at least according to the website - but it provided the serial number of the lost card, which is what they asked me for.

This program only works if you use a credit or debit card to buy your unlimited ride metrocard, so I would recommend that to people if at all possible. Because I am okay with being out $11.88 for the five days I had the card (it was three days, but whatever, they don't work weekends) instead of being out $89 on top and having to spend another $89 to get a card this morning.


There was fic last night:

The Ewok to Your Wookiee
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; spoilers through 5.20; pg; 1,380 words
Dean is proud to be the Ewok to Sam's Wookiee.

angelgazing said to me, "you should write a story where Dean gives Sam a cupcake on the side of the road for his birthday, on the way to the final showdown of the apocalypse, and then they should make out, or at least hug." I got all of that except the making out. Or the hugging. There is friendly shin-kicking? and threatened ass-kicking? I don't know. I gave up trying to figure out when something I write will be wincesty and when it won't.

Here's a funny thing, talking about wincest - I read a story yesterday that I thought was brilliant - it was beautifully written and evocative and I'm totally going to rec it next time around - but I had a really hard time accepting that in the story, Sam and Dean were smoking. I can believe them having sex with each other without much effort, but my suspension of disbelief is apparently nearly snapped when they smoke in fic. *hands* I guess because in canon we actually know they don't (Folsom Prison Blues) and while I know former smoker!Dean is a plot kink for a lot of people, I just find it jarring.

Do I think either or both of them might have picked it up in high school, or were even social smokers at times? It's possible, even likely, given how many people I knew who smoked during those years. But it's just not my personal canon. Part of it is just my own strong distaste for smoking (I have never smoked a cigarette myself and have no desire to ever smoke one, despite having a chronic cough that sounds like it belongs to a two-pack-a-day smoker. Thanks, mom!), and part of it is the idea that it would be detrimental in their chosen profession - not just lung capacity and health etc., but the stink of smoke clings to everything, and I can't imagine being stealthy against creatures who possibly have heightened senses of smell when you reek of cigarette smoke.

It's really weird, the things in a story we can accept with a shrug, and the things that make us go, 'wait, wait, WHAT?' And for me and SPN, apparently, smoking is more unbelievable than incest. *snerk*

ANYWAY. the title of the story came from a chat I had once with someone, and she said, "I would be the Ewok to his Wookiee," and possibly it was a Seth Green quote? I never wrote down the context, but the line stayed with me for years, and migrated onto my titles-to-use list, and it seemed fitting for the story. It amused me, anyway, and we all know that's my number one goal when I write.

So I'm pleased with the story, and I'm so happy other people like it too. Thanks so much for the lovely comments. I really appreciate it, and though it might take me a while to respond individually, I will do it eventually. I always do.


Alas, our internet here at NNP is down, so I don't know when this will actually post. Sigh. I suppose I should do some work.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/164127.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, we make our own fun, i fail at glee!, writing: characterization, the boy/boy melodrama

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