what a shameful situation

Apr 27, 2010 23:23


I suppose musical numbers are spoilers?

BRUCE! I mean, I can't hear that song without hearing Robin Williams as Elmer Fudd, but still. La Chenoweth and Matthew Morrison singing "Fire" was kind of adorable. And then! My favorite thing in the episode! "One Less Bell to Answer"! I LOVE THAT SONG. I just do. And it was AWESOME. I also loved Mercedes' big moment, and how Quinn was there, Quinn was the one who understood.

I also felt bad for Kurt when his dad bonded with Finn. I loved Finn's mom's response to Finn threatening to flush the dad's ashes.

I didn't really watch as I was making Paula Deen's Orange Bars. I just listened to the songs.

Here's the flour, sugar and butter for the crumb bottom:

And then I realized the bowl was too small, so I switched to a larger bowl:

I cut the amount of sugar in the filling in half, and probably could have cut it even more.

They're very sweet, even with the sugar halved, and tasty, but unfortunately, the very center didn't quite set, even though I cooked it an extra six minutes, and the crust didn't lift easily out of the dish. (I didn't even bother with the glaze.) Perhaps if I used the recommended 9x3 pan instead of a 10x10? Or if I sprayed it instead of using butter? I'm going to put them in the fridge, and see what they're like tomorrow.

Then I watched The Good Wife. I love that everybody is so layered - Cary has some sense of loyalty, and Alicia is willing to undercut Stern by using what she knows against him without actually telling anyone. Kalinda continues to be awesome. I also liked how fierce Jackie was, though I think Peter still has some apologizing he needs to do, and I thought that even before the reveal that And then we see he's using church as a cover (and I thought it was realistic, if cringe-worthy, how Jackie responded to the black pastor. "Meet the Bishop. He's a nice (white) Episcopalian.") and moreover, Alicia finds out.

I can't believe he stepped over the threshold, but I guess he really is willing to do whatever he has to do to get what he wants. It's what made him successful and also what caused him all the trouble in the first place. Very interesting.


Now I have to wash a sink full of dirty dishes and go to bed (bed/vic=OTP!!!) because I have to go up to the Bronx tomorrow morning for work. This should be interesting.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/162228.html.
people have commented there.

adventures in cooking, recipes, tv: the good wife, tv: glee

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