rita hayworth gave good face

Apr 13, 2010 22:55

Oh, wow, Jane Lynch is FEARLESS. ♥

Otherwise, problematic show is still problematic. At least there was more music this episode. And also Idina Menzel. Though I still think they could have had her play Rachel's mom instead of the Vocal Adrenaline coach.

No new "Good Wife" tonight!? What the hell CBS?

I appear to be feeling masochistic tonight, because I'm already all sniffly and emotional and I'm watching Serenity, which always leaves me a sobbing wreck.

"She is an albatross, Captain."
"Way I remember it, an albatross was a ship's good luck until some idiot killed it. Yes, I have read a poem. Don't faint."

Oh, Mal... Sigh.


Also! Thank you to
semielliptical for the puppy in my LJ profile! ♥


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/155702.html.
people have commented there.

tv: glee, tv: firefly

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