sometimes i just ain't in the mood

Apr 08, 2010 22:48

Bones: whatever the 100th episode was called


I don't understand! Why does Brennan think it's a bad idea? Her reasons make no sense! She can't change? What? What? THEY MADE ME CRY DAMMIT! SHE LOVES HIM AND HE LOVES HER AND HE KNOWS! HE'S THAT GUY! WHY IS SHE DOING THIS? I DON'T UNDERSTAND! HOLD ME, MOMMY!

Also, I thought she and Angela had been friends longer than that, but I guess they wanted to make it an origin story? It was nice to see Caroline around, and the animosity between Hodgins and, well, everyone. And his awfully skeezy pickup lines. And Cam! Cam is my favorite. Well, right behind Booth, because I need to draw a million sparkly hearts around Booth. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And Sweets! His little FACE when he finds out that they'd worked together before! Aw, Sweets. And seeing Zach (I also watched the 7pm ep on TNT, which was the first Gormogon ep) was nice, but I definitely like Sweets better.

As for Supernatural: 99 Problems

"On a good day you get to kill a whore."

Even if this episode had actually worked emotionally, rather than making me even more irritated with Dean's petulance (yes, I agreed with Mo Ryan last week, and I think he was annoying this week), that line would have ruined it. Thanks for showing us your sociopathic side, Dean. Thanks for being an utter asshole, Kripke, for letting the line stay in the script (or hell, for all I know. putting it there in the first place; who wrote this ep?). On Criminal Minds, a line like that would make him the unsub, and not in a sympathetic way.

Sam, otoh. Oh, Sam, I draw a million sparkly hearts around you. "I can't do it alone." ♥ Too bad Dean couldn't actually grab hold of that lifeline and toss it back to you. Fucker. *pets Sam*

Also, just to be nitpicky, I wish the show would remember its own canon. Pastor Jim's church was in Blue Earth, Minnesota. Why would they be surprised that there were hunters in town? Or were we not even supposed to remember that?

And as much as I liked Lisa and could totally ship Dean/Lisa, what about Cassie? The girl he spent weeks with? His only real relationship, the one he told the truth to? How is she not the one he's interested in seeing when the world is going to end? I mean, okay, we all like to pretend Route 666 never happened, but compared with, say, Malleus Maleficarum or Swap Meat, I'd rather sit through Route 666 any day. AND ALSO, okay, Lisa said Ben wasn't his, but after being told that the vessel business runs through bloodlines, after seeing what Castiel did to Claire Novak, does he even BOTHER to mention to Lisa, hey, seriously, if Ben is my kid, this could be a concern? (Well, okay, he didn't because he's going to say yes himself, but he should have! Just as soon as he got back from 1978.)

You know, I get it. I do. Dean's seriously depressed and suffering from PTSD and his life sucks beyond the telling of it. He's tried hard to hold on and keep fighting the good fight and he's tired and he thinks God just told him to step off and fix it himself, because he doesn't give a rat's ass anymore, and Dean just wants it to end, and he can't because he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. But they're taking away everything that I loved about Dean (first and foremost, his love for Sam) and leaving crap in its place. I feel like I did about BtVS s6 - I did not enjoy watching it, because it's not what I signed on for (and heh, I hated Spike by that point as much as I hate Castiel - possibly more even, because at least at this point, Castiel's not a rapist, that we're aware of), and at this point, it doesn't look like what I signed on for - Sam and Dean, saving people! hunting things! - is ever going to come back. And that on top of the misogyny, the race issues and the probability that they're not going to butch up and kill Castiel the way they ought to, makes me think that I'm not going to watch season 6. I don't know. I have a hard time breaking up with shows I'm this invested in, but more episodes like this one will not convince me to stick around.

Ugh. Just. Ugh.


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