proof I once was struck down by you

Mar 25, 2010 22:34

Supernatural: Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Well, that was ...underwhelming. Aside from the pacing issues, and the stupid pastede on yay message from Death (that last scene was just not very well done), there was SO MUCH that they could have done with this set up, and they didn't take advantage of any of it.

First of all, when Sam and Dean are all, "Let's gank Bobby's dead wife!" Bobby's first response should have been, "I didn't try to kill you when you both rose from the grave." Because hi, pot, meet kettle. Sam and Dean GOT the loves of their lives back, so they're really not in any position to judge. And I don't even mean that in a wincesty way. Also, Dean not knowing anything about love? really, show? REALLY? I mean, okay, really fucked up co-dependent, I would die for you and maybe let the world burn love, but it's still love!

Also, zombies can be used to good effect metaphorically (see "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things"), and here they just weren't. Like, nobody would mistake "Dead Man's Party" for a great BtVS episode, but at least the zombies made sense as monsters in it, because it was about Buffy trying to go back to normal and sweeping all the stuff about running away under the rug, and it all burst out at the party, much like the zombies. (Okay, and also, it did have some truly awesome lines*.)

Plus, I like Bobby a lot. I do. I think he's awesome (even if I think he needs to die by the end of this season). But I don't really feel that seven episodes from the climax of the apocalypse is a good spot for an episode about his dead wife angst, especially since I didn't feel they really mined that the way they should have. He killed his wife twice! This should have some relevance to the Winchesters, is what I'm saying. And I feel like the show didn't DO anything with that.

Also, Sam and Dean were really dumb for most of the episode. I mean, they're dumb a lot (a lot!) but they usually manage to offset it with awesome, and there wasn't a whole lot of awesome from the Winchesters this episode. It really felt like they were phoning it in. Of course, Death's plan was pretty freaking dumb, too, so I guess everybody was afflicted with it this week.

No mention at all of Sam's time in detox or Dean's breakdown. I was hoping for something on that front, but no. WTF?

Also, also, why was Bobby's wife dressed like a diner waitress? Was it because of all the pie? (I did appreciate Dean's appreciation for homemade pie.) I get that Sam's response to the zombie old lady was meant to be funny, but I was not amused.

On the upside, we get confirmation that Bobby is indeed in Sioux Falls, and I really liked the sheriff - she felt like a throwback to the awesome oneshot women of s1. I might have liked the episode better if she'd had to shoot her son herself, but I guess they didn't want to make her that messed up/hardcore (though again, it would have had more relevance to Sam and Dean). And I found it terribly amusing that she busted them when she recognized Bobby's voice. That was possibly the most awesome moment of the episode.

Otherwise, this was eminently skippable.

Tomorrow is Friday. Yay!

There is a fly in my apartment and it won't land on anything I can take a shot at - it's all lampshades and tv screens. Bah. Bugs are the one thing I dislike about warm weather. They belong outside and they should stay there.

*such as:

Oz: We should figure out what kinda deal this is. I mean, is it a-a gathering, a shindig or a hootenanny?
Cordelia: What's the difference?
Oz: Well, a gathering is brie, mellow song stylings; shindig, dip, less mellow song stylings, perhaps a large amount of malt beverage; and hootenanny, well, it's chock full of hoot, just a little bit of nanny.

Giles: Unbelievable! "Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead!" Americans!


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