The legs of spring scissored open

Mar 25, 2010 11:18

If you write (have written) in one (or more!) of these fandoms*, Remix needs youNew SPN tonight! I didn't get nearly as much writing done during the hiatus as I'd have liked, but since that seems to be the case for me all the time with writing now, I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it. I need to carve out more time for that, but it's hard ( Read more... )

starbuck is my tv girlfriend, poetry, remix admin, tv: bsg, my life so hard

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cadenzamuse March 25 2010, 17:04:56 UTC
I found myself being a really die-hard Kara/Lee shipper, so it's hard to divorce my S2 "my OTP is being shafted DIE DIE DIE" gut reaction from my opinions of the actual quality of the S2 arcs but...I wish Dee had gotten to be more than Lee's love interest. I feel like S1-early S2 she gets to do interesting stuff like pump her boyfriend for information for the admiral and help with a mutiny, but once the love quadrangle of doom comes in, she gets shoved to third-string action. Plus, I think if Dee was still doing badass communications stuff instead of just being an object to cause Lee angst, I might eventually have been won over to the Lee/Dee relationship. But it never felt like a relationship of equals, and I wasn't all that convinced by their chemistry, and so it ended up being just one more frustrating thing to fuel my Id Shipper Raaaage.

I wish Paul Campbell hadn't left the show. I just get the feeling that Billy was supposed to be a Cylon sleeper agent, and I think that would have been a much more moving (and just plain interesting) arc than Tory sleeping with Gaius Baltar (ugh ugh ugh). Although I guess Billy sleeping with Gaius Baltar would have been worse. :-P

"Scar" is probably one of my favorite episodes of BSG, right behind "33" and "Exodus, Part 2."


musesfool March 25 2010, 20:17:04 UTC
Before I actually watched the show, I figured I would be a Lee/Kara shipper, but Lee just never really pinged for me. I liked him a lot of the time, but when I didn't like him, I really didn't like him.

I think if Dee was still doing badass communications stuff instead of just being an object to cause Lee angst, I might eventually have been won over to the Lee/Dee relationship. But it never felt like a relationship of equals, and I wasn't all that convinced by their chemistry,

No, I agree. It seemed very pasted on to me. Whereas I got Kara/Anders, even if I didn't think they were necessarily right for each other.

I just get the feeling that Billy was supposed to be a Cylon sleeper agent, and I think that would have been a much more moving (and just plain interesting) arc than Tory sleeping with Gaius Baltar

I hear you. I feel like Tory was always set up to be untrustworthy, but to have Billy turn out of be a cylon would have been amazing.


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