she has trouble acting normal when she's nervous

Mar 23, 2010 11:55

I don't really feel fannish about Chuck: I don't ship Chuck/Sarah, I don't really read fic for it unless it crosses my flist and catches my eye, and I don't think much about the show when I'm not watching it (i.e., it doesn't live in my head and make me want to write things about it), but I do read Alan Sepinwall's weekly episode posts (and the AV Club's, but they're much more fannishly inclined, I think, so the similarities in the commenters there don't surprise me), and one of the things that always amuses me is the comments sound so much like what you might hear in any LJ discussion (right down to the awful portmanteau ship name "Charah" *snerk*), but it's a different segment of fandom (in the sense that there are occasional comments about fanfic, but I don't get the sense that the majority of these commenters are in any way partaking in fanfic (or other fan-created activities) actively), and yet, there are still crazy shippers and there are still people who hate the shippers (and the ship) and man, when it's not "my show" in terms of emotional investment, it's kind of hilarious to see the hyperbole involved, e.g., "THE SHOW WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS IT WAS IN SEASON 2!" "SHAW IS RUINING EVERYTHING! OMG MAKE HIM GO AWAY!" *cough* (we have met the kettle and it is us.)

This is why I always roll my eyes at people who define fandom so narrowly as to only include the fic (usually slash) writing and reading portions of it, and insist that they are wrong. (Well, one reason; I started out in the discussion-only end of fandom myself.) Dude, just check out the comments on Sepinwall's blog, and you'll see a familiar brand of fannishness that simply finds a different outlet to express itself. (Sepinwall himself seems to have a fannish background.)



I made this lemon cake last night, and I think I over cooked it by a couple of minutes, because it's very dry and crumbly. Also, I didn't put the glaze on, as I'm going to be eating it for breakfast at my desk and that gets sticky. But it has a really nice lemony flavor, so maybe I will make it again and cook it slightly less.


131 people signed up for remix already. *whimper*


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adventures in cooking, tv: chuck, recipes, fannishness

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