you must only think of me

Mar 13, 2010 19:28

Oh, the mysteries of life, or at least, of technology...

I just spent a good forty minutes freaking out because my new phone wasn't getting any service and it kept telling me to turn airplane mode off, but even when I finally looked up how to do that (dude, you should not have to HOLD DOWN THE OFF BUTTON to get a menu - too often it just, you know, TURNS THE PHONE OFF), it was still saying I had no service. So I turned it all the way off and then turned it back on and it worked, but it was touch and go there for a while. That was not a cheap phone.

Also, it doesn't seem to hold a charge very well. Anyone else with Samsung Moment find that? Or is it just me?

Additionally, I just figured out what is really wrong with this story I'm trying to write. I was convinced the problem was Dean's POV, but it's not - that's the right POV, and his motivations make sense, but I think Sam needs to be less passive right up front for the rest of the story to work (and honestly, when in his life has Sam Winchester ever been PASSIVE? What the hell was I thinking?).

Hopefully that will make it work now.

*crosses fingers*


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technology is not my friend, i am okay with that!

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