the pleasure, the privilege is mine

Mar 01, 2010 14:05

Last night I tried the simple polenta recipe from How to Cook Everything and it was MADE OF FAIL. Dear god, it was a pot full up with FAIL. (and I say this as someone who likes polenta, so its not like I didn't know what I was getting into here.) Also, I got spattered with hot milk and cornmeal, which was unpleasant, but doesn't appear to have left any marks. So much for having fried polenta for lunch this week. Today I have a turkey sandwich. I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the week. I just need to get through tomorrow's board meeting. Then I have Friday and next Monday off, and hopefully by then I will have both my new kitchen cabinet (scheduled for delivery on 3/5) and my new laptop (estimated delivery date: 3/4), and life will be AMAZING.

I don't know why I lie awake in the middle of the night and make myself anxious, when things during the day are mostly pretty good. I am actually mostly on top of stuff. But my brain, she does not seem to think so at 4 am. What is that about? Ugh.

And then I keep waking up at 6 am to pee and not being able to get back to sleep.

Dear body,

Our alarm goes off at 7:25 am. Surely we can sleep for that last hour and twenty-five minutes. It really would make things easier during the day, and ensure that we're not completely exhausted by 3 pm and useless by 6 pm.

I'm just sayin'.

unfortunately yours,


I guess it's time for the monthly wrap ups. Since I don't have access to my music, there won't be any downloads this month, but they're things I've uploaded before, so...

Top 5 songs - February 2010

5. An Alphabet of Hurricanes - Tom McRae
(the song, which is not for some reason on the album of the same name)

4. Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) - Florence + the Machine

3. This Tornado Loves You - Neko Case

2. Antebellum - Vienna Teng

1. Howl - Florence + the Machine


February 2010 writing roundup

Working on the Sequel
Supernatural; Jamie; pg; 100 words
Jamie's always loved horror movies.

Homicide: Life on the Street; Kay Howard; pg; 320 words
"Is that all you got?"

The Mommy Problem
Friday Night Lights; Tami Taylor; spoilers through "I Can't"; pg; warning: discussion of abortion; 378 words
Tami knows how to handle this.

Target Practice
Firefly; Zoe, Simon; g; 335 words
Zoe's got the patience of a stone.

The Short List
Supernatural; Jess/girl!Sam; au; pg; 1,092 words
Five things Jess knows about Sam.

this earth makes sanctuary where I stand
L'Engleverse; Meg Murry O'Keefe (Meg/Calvin); pg; 1,160 words
Meg makes some decisions.

The Girly Arts
Dark Angel; Original Cindy, Max; g; 494 words
"You can't take care of everybody else 'less you take care of yourself first."

Surprise, Party
White Collar; Peter/El/Neal; pg; 1,342 words
Surprise parties are undignified and Peter wants nothing to do with them.

you are a house around which I am a wind
Supernatural; Dean/Sam; pg; 1,370 words
Dean spends hours every day searching for something, someone, before he remembers he's alone.

Plus three
purimgifts ficlets that were last minute pinch hits. I feel that if you know me, you know which three these were.

So that makes 12 stories in 8 fandoms. That's a good month.

And there was a story last night that didn't make it into February:

Disaster Relief
Supernatural; Bobby, various; pg; spoilers through 5.14; 3,865 words
The world is ending, but until the final confrontation comes, there are battles to be fought all over, every hunter now a soldier, and every town a front.

I woke up yesterday morning with the opening scene in my head, and the title all picked out. It was just a question of finally sitting myself down to write, which took nearly all day (the settling down, not the writing). I like how it turned out. That's the first time I've ever written Bobby's POV, and it was fun revisiting all those one-shot characters, and I was very pleased when I realized how it was all going to tie together at the end, because I wasn't sure that was going to happen until fairly late in the game. Then I took a break to take a shower, and voila!

Never underestimate the power of the shower to shake things loose, is what I'm saying.


Lastly, I really like my new DW layout, especially once
zillah975 figured out how to make the sidebar work.


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monthly writing roundup, redecorating, adventures in cooking, i fail at glee!, top 5 songs

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