blows my footprints away

Feb 23, 2010 10:34

You'll be happy to know that the defective cabinet of family discord is winging its way back to Target. As I walked up the block last night, I kept thinking, "Please don't let it be there. Please don't let it be there." because I was really not looking forward to the idea of playing phone tag with UPS if it hadn't been picked up, and it was gone. And I checked the tracking numbers they emailed me and the boxes are listed as "picked up," so I should see a reimbursement on my credit card soon. I hope. The new cabinet is coming on March 5. Assembled. And even with the delivery/assembly fee ($45) still about $80 cheaper than what it ended up being from Target (not to mention the, uh, intangible costs). Soon, my long kitchen nightmare will be over! Or something.

In other news, I got the new Tom McRae this weekend, and I'm not bowled over by it. I mean, I like the songs I already knew, but I'm not sure about this carnival-esque/waltz type sound and also, if you title the album The Alphabet of Hurricanes, doesn't it make sense to put the song "Alphabet of Hurricanes" on the album? I mean, I'm no marketing genius or anything, but it just makes sense to me (also I love that song and would like to have a studio version of it) that you put the song the album is named after on the album.

The first single (which - do they ever play Tom on the radio? What is the point of releasing a single these days if they don't? Otoh, I love that it was released on Valentine's day and backed with a song called "The Opposite of Love." Oh, Tom, never change.), "Please" has a nice Beatles-esque vibe to it, and a swelling sort of chorus, though the lyrics are as depressing as anything he's written; "Best Winter" is lovely and not quite as depressing. I already loved "Can't Find You" and "Fifteen Miles Downriver," and "The Summer of John Wayne" is growing on me. (Of course, I'm like the only Tom McRae fan who still doesn't really like "Karaoke Soul," so you can't go by me.)

I haven't listened enough to be totally sure, but I don't think either of the new songs he played when I saw him last is on this album. There was a second album that was going to be released, but that was before the label change, so I don't know if those songs are on that album and whether that's coming out any time or soon or whether it's been lost in the shuffle. I'm sure versions of those songs are out there somewhere (or maybe not), and I will get to have them on my iPod eventually.

Ugh. I keep thinking it's Wednesday for some reason, and the weather outside is disgusting and my umbrella gave up the ghost (second one I've lost this winter). Can it be springtime now?


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tom mcrae, music, i am okay with that!

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