daylight is good at arriving at the right time

Feb 11, 2010 17:57

I watched the last two episodes of Friday Night Lights, and oh, my god, you guys, how awesome is this show?

VINCE! OH MY GOD, VINCE! He made me cry the most. Wow. That scene with Jess was amazing. He totally sold it. "I'm a monster. I am that guy." I cried. I cried again when he got out of the car and was all, "Do what you gotta do." VINCE! ♥ (As sweet as Jess/Landry has been, I think we all knew she was going to end up back with Vince once she saw him turning his life around. Also, I just don't care that much about Landry's romantic life. I liked it better when he was interacting randomly with other Dillon denizens like Smash or Riggins. Speaking of whom...)

TIM RIGGINS! Oh, Timmy, you got to be happy for a few hours or days before the hammer came down, but my heart broke for you. "You're my brother." Oh, my heart. "Keep your guard up. Stay angry." He did it so Steven Hannibal Riggins would have a father who stuck around, which he and Billy didn't have.

Eric and Tami! *draws a million sparkly hearts around them*

I mean, yes, there were a lot of things that were predictable - Landry getting to kick in a game on the line situation, Luke getting to come into the game despite Eric's benching him, Tim taking the fall for Billy's chop shop idea, Tami refusing to give the apology - but also, this show is good enough that I didn't know if Vince would go through with it or not, or if he'd end up shot. I didn't know if Landry's kick would be good or not. I really needed it to be good, but I was not sure it would be.

I have quibbles - the Tami situation wrapped up too neatly, we never got any exploration of how it was Luke's parents making things hard for Tami (and Eric), we didn't really see Becky ever interact with anyone but Riggins, neither Tyra nor Lyla came home for Thanksgiving (and Tyra didn't even show for the birth of her nephew - I mean, I know Adrianne Palicki was unavailable, but still, they could have mentioned her) - but overall, I thought these two episodes, this whole season, was fantastic. Matt Saracen comes back for his final goodbye, and Julie knows she can't follow him, she has to find her own Chicago. Eric's speech, man:
"Because Friday night... Friday night, there will be a bond formed between and among you, that will never be broken. I will not be proven wrong on that. Do I think we can beat the Dillon Panthers? I don't think we can beat the Dillon Panthers. I know damn well we can beat the Dillon Panthers. The question is, do you think that we can beat the Dillon Panthers? Then show me!"

Oh, Show. I don't know how they do it, but I hope they keep doing it.

I've also read the first three Percy Jackson books. I've enjoyed them. I mean, they're ridiculously predictable, but in a fun way. I would have adored them as a 10yo.


I'm also pleased about this SPN casting spoiler. Mark Sheppard! yay! An unholy alliance with the Winchesters! I approve!


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tv: supernatural: spoilers, tv: friday night lights, books

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