it's you when i don't pick up the phone

Jan 29, 2010 00:54

So I had my review today, technically, I guess it's yesterday now, and it went well. Boss 1 and Boss 2 are very pleased with me - they think I'm smart (which I am) and capable (which...I am, though sometimes I forget that) and want to give me more projects and hope I'm happy and will stick around a while. I'm pleased with Boss 1 and Boss 2, I told them where I needed more support/direction/clarification on stuff and we all agreed that it's been a fine 11 months and here's to many more. (They are also supposed to be taking me out to dinner next week, since our holiday lunch got rescheduled out of existence.)

Then I went to the UPS distribution center to pick up MA NEW PHONE. It is all activated now, though I still have to put all my contacts in. I can phone and text and send email and surf the internet, FINALLY. and I can type! On a keyboard! That isn't a phone number pad. I mean, okay, I had to spend twenty minutes with a CSR because it wouldn't let me get onto the internet at first, but it's all good now.

Yes, yes, I realize this is old hat to all of you, but my phone is new and shiny and I think I need some kind of phone cozy to protect it from my rough ways.

I was busy doing stuff during Bones, though I enjoyed what I saw (OMG BOOTH AND BRENNAN LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH OMG!), but I have to say it's a sad, sad Thursday night when the best bit of Supernatural actually happens on Bones. When Jared says to Booth, "Is this like the time you had to tell me the puppy I brought home was actually a rat?" THAT IS SUCH A SAM AND DEAN MOMENT. Unlike nearly anything in the SPN episode we got tonight*. Ugh. That's 39 minutes of my life I'll never get back. (I guess I'm glad I spent some of it on the phone with Sprint getting my phone activated.)

It's not even that they didn't do an actual Sam and Dean swap bodies episode, which would have been awesome, and which I think the Js would have knocked out of the park, but I honestly think having my teeth pulled cleaned would have been more awesome than the episode we got tonight. WTF?

Who wrote that piece of crap? Where it wasn't horrifyingly embarrassing (the opening scene) it was actively offensive (also that opening scene. Protip, writers, having sex while possessing someone else's body = RAPE.), and just completely ridiculous. So the demons all want a piece of Dean since Lucifer rose, but when Lucifer has him dead to rights, he just knocks him out and doesn't bother to finish the job? Seriously? And that's not even getting into how long it took Dean to twig to the fact that Gary wasn't Sam. I mean, clearly he knew something was up, but why did he keep rolling with it? WTF? THAT IS NOT DEAN! DEAN IS NOT THAT STUPID! (unless he was just drunk this whole episode?) ALSO, IN SKIN, SAM KNEW THE SHAPESHIFTER WASN'T DEAN AFTER 30 SECONDS, EVEN THOUGH THEY'D BEEN APART FOR THREE YEARS. COME THE FUCK ON, SHOW. YOUR STUPIDITY IS ONLY CHARMING WHEN THE CHARACTERIZATIONS MAKE SENSE!

Sam thinks that kid's life is awful? Dean doesn't realize that SAM RAN AWAY TO STANFORD AND WAS GOING TO MARRY JESS when he asks if Sam ever wanted a family of his own? REALLY?


At least they said they would have killed Gary if he'd been over 18, because the whole "witches are bitches except if they're men" is really ugh. Also, I didn't find Gary charming or his life so onerous. He's a teenager, so he's obnoxious, and his friend Travis or Trevor or whatever that punk's name was -- I was not sad to see him eviscerated, though I felt bad for the girl - she was the only one of those kids who wasn't repellent, and Sam encourages Gary to mack on her, after she's been possessed and watched her body kill one of her friends? Really, Sam? REALLY?

And okay, so it doesn't matter WHO is wearing Sam's meat suit when the word yes is spoken? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS THAT? WHY DIDN'T SOME WILY DEMON ALREADY TRY THIS TO GET LUCIFER INTO SAM'S MEAT SUIT? (I mean, okay, the tattoo will protect against demonic possession, but clearly not against possession by another human soul, or an angel so what the hell? which reminds me, have we totally forgotten Uriel's faction of angels who wanted to join Lucifer's side? Where are they? Well, I guess we don't know, because we're spending all this time faffing about while the apocalypse is supposedly happening elsewhere. If there were any real sense of impending doom - so nicely captured in Good God, Y'all, The End, and Abandon All Hope and completely slack here - maybe it would work, but it doesn't. And I say this as someone who would prefer to get back to more MOTW type episodes.

Ugh. Just ugh. Unhappy vic is unhappy.

I mean, there were some cute moments - "Shake it up, baby." and Sam with his salad (really? you don't get to be as gihugic as Sam by eating nothing but salads) and Dean crushing on the babysitter* (the one good bit of backstory on SPN) (who looked like Mary; oh, John) and the boys coming to help out their old babysitter after all those years, but aside from that, uh, I am going to forget this episode ever happened. At least Route 666 had naked Dean in it. I think this one is down there with Malleus Maleficarum as one of the worst the show's had to offer. And I say this as someone who generally liked Red Sky at Morning.

And some thoughts about the preview for next week. Ah, time for Anna to come back so she can be an antagonist and then end up dead. I will happily eat my words if she 1. changes her mind about killing Mary so Sam and Dean are never born, and 2. doesn't end up dead and/or evil at the end of the episode, but given the show's track record, I have no confidence whatsoever that this isn't just going to be another clusterfuck, where Sam will be all, "Maybe I don't deserve to live. I have a STAIN ON MY SOUL" and Castiel will be a self-righteous hypocrite and Dean will be completely out of character, and Anna will turn evil and die and no one will ever mention that the only reason she got sent to angel brainwashing camp was because Castiel narced on her.

Maybe by complaining about that so hard right now, none of it will happen. I don't know. I am just not particularly happy with my show right now, which is a shame, because the season started so well, even if they did bring Castiel back to life when he should have stayed dead.

Uh, and then I watched Burn Notice, and man, Michael Westen is badass. and I ♥ Sam Axe. And Fiona. And Madeline. Sigh.

I should have been in bed an hour ago. Sigh.


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technology is not my friend, all shall love me and despair, tv: supernatural: episode-related, tv: burn notice, tv: bones, genghis khan could bring it on, work

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