i knew it wasn't you

Jan 26, 2010 22:24

Chuck = ♥

ADAM BALDWIN AS THE BODYGUARD! Oh, heart. Of all the pop culture shout-outs and in-jokes in this episode, I think that was my favoritest. Also, Morgan ending up with THE CLAW and of course, Casey brainwashing Lester. I know there are people who don't like the Buy More stuff, and I miss Anna a lot, but OMG, I think Jeff and Lester are COMEDY GOLD. I mean, sometimes they squick me hard, but mostly they make me choke with laughter.

I also liked how Shaw is pushing Chuck, and how Chuck rose to the occasion, but also still needs Casey and Sarah to help him. And Kristen Kreuk was adorable.


Castle = ♥

It's a little early to whip out the dates show up at the same restaurant plot, isn't it? But I guess they're not going to drag it out. It was unfortunate that they made both other dates kind of unappealing. It would have worked better for me if hot puppy-rescuing fireman had actually been attractive and not kind of douchey. Also, needs more Martha, but I say that every week. Esposito and Ryan remain adorable.


White Collar = ♥♥♥

Dear god, this show ships the OT3 as much as I do. EL INVITES THEM HOME FOR A QUICKIE LUNCH! She wants to borrow Neal's palate. Peter's lucky he gets to come too! You guys, I CAN'T EVEN! *flails* This is so much better than all that ridiculous not trusting each other (though honestly, trust, but verify! There's no harm in that!). "Nothing would have compared to the thrill of catching you the first time. Or the second time." "No one likes a braggart."

Mozzie! "You must be Mrs. Suit." And then El comes to Neal and Moz to help Peter out! "I have no idea what you're talking about. But you should thank your wife." And then El and Moz are on a first name basis!

Jones! Hughes! The other agents all coming in to help clear Peter's name! (Where was Cruz?) I love shit like that!

I don't care about Kate, but I guess they're going to keep playing this out.

This show is so adorable, though I don't think that bank at the end was actually at 51st and 2nd. They film around the courthouses, but I never see them! I walk by there every day, twice a day on my way to and from the subway! (Okay, I have seen the film trucks etc. more than once, but I always figured it was for L&O, even though I never have seen Jack McCoy on the steps.)


Friday Night Lights: I Can't.

Oh, my god, this show... I didn't even stand a chance at not crying at this one.

I honestly never ever thought they'd let Becky go through with the abortion, but they did. I am so impressed right now, I can't even. and Tim! Tim Riggins once again comes through for his friends. He doesn't know what to tell her, but he knows Tami Taylor can help. I ♥ Tim Riggins! And Tami! Up at 3am wondering what Julie would do in that situation.

I am a little uneasy with the implication that Becky's mom pushed her into the abortion, because I think it was the right decision for Becky at this point, as hard as it was, and while I think she loves her daughter, it also breaks my heart that she probably does resent her in some ways, because they are not Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. It didn't all work out perfectly for them. And I can totally see how Becky wouldn't want to repeat that with her own child. Having someone to love and who loves you unconditionally isn't a good reason to have a kid at 16.

I do feel that this was totally a wasted opportunity to bring Mama Smash back. She works at the Planned Parenthood clinic! Why didn't Tami send Becky there? (I think it's realistic that Tami didn't immediately expect Becky to say she didn't want to keep it, for the town and the position that Tami is in, but the whole thing just made me sad.) I liked Becky's mom's tirade about the state mandated bullshit, too.

And then there was Vince. Oh, my god, my heart breaks for him EVERY TIME. He's trying SO HARD, and when he was all, "Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Why do you keep doing this to me? Why don't you want to be with me? What's so bad about me?" I sobbed like a baby.

And then we had that great scene where he goes to Virgil to ask for money,and of course, Virgil doesn't have it to give to him, but he tells him he believes in him and has his back, because he's trying to get right and be a man, and THEN we get the mirror with Jess asking Virgil why he doesn't believe in HER. It's like all my secret "needs parental validation" buttons are being pushed at once by this episode!

And Virgil with Coach, and Coach being all, "is this because I'm white and you're black?" and Virgil being like, "No, it's because I was Vince and you weren't." And then Coach wants to prove Virgil wrong but Vince proves him right. Heh.

Of course, Vince is trying, but then he has to go back to Calvin, aka, Angry Necklace Guy, and get back in with whatever crime they've got going on, because otherwise he can't afford the $4K he needs to get his mom into rehab.

Coach had some great funny moments in this ep too - his response when Tami wouldn't drive him to his car! And his face when Habitat for Humanity dude was talking about the rain, and then again when he said he was moving to Arizona. Hee!

I hope they don't have Julie follow this guy (if she's going to leave Dillon like that, why not just go live with Matt Saracen? also, I don't need to see Tyra and the Cowboy redux), but I did like how he took her up to the highest place in town and took her picture, "This is you, seeing the world."

I just... I love this show SO MUCH. It hits me in deep, visceral places that very few tv shows have ever hit. I wish more people were watching it, because it's truly fantastic and full of hope and heartbreak and just... ♥♥♥♥♥

Tomorrow night, Psych is back! Though I may tape it and save it for Friday and watch Leverage in real time. I haven't decided yet.


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tv: castle, tv: friday night lights, tv: white collar, tv: chuck

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