maybe next time if you need me

Jan 25, 2010 10:31

You know, I'd like this SHOCKING* 55° weather much better if it didn't come with 25 mph winds and driving rain. My umbrella bit it on my walk to the subway, so I got wet, though it was warm enough that I really didn't care so much (and even though it's warm, I still wore my wool coat, since it's longer than my leather jacket).

I also wore a new dress today, that I'd bought months ago, except it's mostly been too cold for it - it's a sweater dress, but it's not lined or anything so it's not particularly warm. It has a surplice top, which makes it a little more Chesty McBoobs than I was anticipating, but I'm hoping that's mostly because I'm looking down into my cleavage (hi, girls) and that looking at me head on, it's not so bad.

I did end up writing quite a bit last night - the Catholic schoolgirls story is 2500 words now (it was about 475 when I opened it up last night)! But more funny and less hot than I originally envisioned. I don't know, the opportunity to make teen!Dean eager and yet baffled was too amusing to pass up! I dunno, it makes me laugh, anyway, and amberlynne seemed amused when I pasted it to her in AIM. He had to start someplace, right?

I have one more section to go and a bunch of details and stuff to add in - when I write, I'm like a dot matrix printer - I do the first pass, which is getting down the bare bones of the thing, and then every time I reopen the document, I read through it and add detail to what's already there/edit awkward sentences and occasionally figure out a better way to phrase something, and then I start writing new stuff. So the beginnings of my stories are probably always more revised and edited than the endings (which could be part of why I still have trouble with endings, but I'm too impatient to hold onto things for too long once I'm actually done with them).

I also - okay, so the story focuses on Dean's (separate) adventures with three different girls in the story, and one of them.... I kind of want to make it more of a romance than it maybe should be. And part of me is like, spin that off into its own story, so I may do that, and come up with something else for this third girl. Otoh, if it feels like the story needs this in order to give it something more than "Dean's ridiculous teenage sex hijinks that other people may or may not find amusing," I will go with it. I don't know.

Sometimes I feel like I come up with these ideas and then I "save" them for other stories that somehow never get written, and while I like the replacement ideas as well, sometimes I think I should just use what I've got when I've got it, so it doesn't end up withering on the vine because I never get back around to writing it.


*I guess this is as close to the annual January thaw as we're getting this year. Fucking climate change.


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