hubcap diamond star halo

Jan 19, 2010 11:38

Monday night TV:

Chuck ♥
Captain Awesome, how are you so AWESOME? Also, Angie Harmon still looks good. And Brandon Routh looks like he might be interesting. I like that Morgan is growing up a little bit. Jeff and Lester continue to amuse. And Casey! Drunk in the park! And his response to Ellie's response to the bottle of wine. Hee!

I just hope there isn't too much "We have to keep secrets from Ellie!" and "Ellie scolds Chuck and Awesome for having spyventures she doesn't know about!" I hope they let Ellie in on the secret sooner rather than later, and that there is real emotional fall out.

Big Bang Theory ♥ I laughed A LOT. Oh, Sheldon.

Castle ♥
I'm really surprised they tied up one of the loose ends about Beckett's mother's murder so early. I mean, clearly, they are just getting started on the conspiracy mytharc that will undoubtedly get too convoluted to actually make sense in terms of why someone would hire a really expensive assassin to kill her, but Beckett at least got some small sense of rough justice. I did like that Castle apologized for his arrogance, even if it wasn't actually his fault. And as always, Ryan and Esposito are love.

Tonight, White Collar returns. \o/ I guess I will be watching The Good Wife at some later date.


Dude! Kripke needs to stop stealing the titles of my (in this case abandoned) wsip! I generally don't consider episode titles spoilers, but I will put that beneath the cut with the latest casting spoiler. Apparently, 5.17 is currently titled "99 Problems," the source of which is the same as the casting spoiler: Michael Shanks's website. Apparently he is guest starring in a small role. Surely they didn't get him to play god. (I am still holding out hope for JDM on that. Or Jane Lynch.)

ANYWAY. I was writing a story called "99 Problems" that was all about the things Dean needed to get done before his deal came due - not the fun stuff that might go on a bucket list, but the stuff like, "get the Feds off our backs" and "set up new, clean ID for Sam so he can get out of hunting if he wants to" etc. - but canon got past me and I never finished it, so I put the story in the abandoned folder and put the title back on the list of 'titles to use someday'. Sigh.

I also said I would talk a little bit about other spoilers I've read, for 5.13, I think (I don't remember and I don't have a link handy), and how they tie into my dissatisfaction. Obviously, I'm a little cranky, so click at your own risk.

So they FINALLY bring Anna back - Anna, who is the only angel who HASN'T been a thorough douchebag to the Winchesters, and who only got taken away to angel-brainwashing camp because Castiel ratted her out (and will the show finally address that? as well as his culpability in starting the apocalypse?) - and she's going all Terminator on Sarah Connor Mary Winchester to prevent John Connor Sam from being born.

I want to be excited that Anna is coming back! I like her! She's funny, she's interesting, she's intelligent, she kicks ass, and she doesn't need Dean to explain right and wrong to her. Since she's lived as a human, she has some understanding of human concerns, and seemed like the best candidate to take humanity's side in this whole mess. (though I do wonder if Crowley is the harbinger of some kind of demon-human alliance against the angels and Lucifer, though I think that might be too complex for the show to pull off with any facility.) But of course, she's coming down on the wrong side in this (unless it is an elaborate doublecross of some sort, but I'm not holding my breath). At this point, I have no real hope that the show will allow her to not end up a bad guy, let alone live, and that makes me angry, for numerous reasons.

And don't tell me, "it's an apocalypse! lots of people are going to die!" unless you're on board with the idea that "lots of people" should also include Bobby and Castiel, who really ought to die by the end of the season. Otherwise, it's just women (who meant so much to Sam and Dean that they weren't even mentioned in seasons 3 and 4 [/cynical]) and red shirts dying, and that's bullshit.

Shit like this is why I don't think I want to stick around for a season 6, though if they really do get back to saving people! hunting things! the family business! and the focus is on Sam and Dean and their relationship, per that interview with Kripke I don't have a link to atm, I could be convinced. But not if Castiel sticks around. He's a deal breaker for me at this point. And I honestly don't have a lot of trust for Kripke et al.

And after all that, there, uh, will be fic soon. Sigh.


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