let's get together and feel all right

Jan 16, 2010 20:08

You spoke and I listened.

This afternoon, I made Raspberry & Dark Chocolate Muffins.

I also used my new camera to take pictures, so those of you who have been wondering whether my kitchen is really as small as I've said it is, well, you will see.

This is my kitchen:

This is my workspace:

Yes, that is a cutting board laid across the sink to give me counter space. I love my apartment, but I am mad jealous of people who have actual work-in kitchens, with counter space and cabinet space. Because you see those drawers? They are not actually drawers. They are just for decoration. I have no drawers in my kitchen. Sigh.

(And yes, this is the kitchen I describe in I Got Some Beer and the Highway's Free.)

I did take pictures of each step of the recipe, but I was like, do people really care about seeing each step illustrated? and I didn't upload them. If you do care, and would like to see the step-by-step pictures in future posts, let me know.

Otherwise, here I am folding the chocolate chips (ghirardelli 60% cacao) and raspberries (frozen) into the batter:

The recipe says 9 large muffins, but I got 18 regular size muffins out of it:

This is how they looked coming out of the oven:

And out of the tins:

I, uh, didn't follow the recipe exactly (I used an ounce more butter than it calls for, which was a mistake; I also used Greek yogurt, which I think was fine), so the cupcakes taste fantastic, but they don't actually come out of the paper. So if you make these, don't just go, "eh, extra butter never hurt anybody!" - measure out the called-for 7 oz. Still, they are quite tasty. Also, I only needed to cook them for 30 minutes - I think my oven runs hot, but I'm not sure. I always go for the shortest cook time because I really can't stand overdone baked goods.

As a bonus, here's a picture of my living room, or at least, my dvd collection, and a part of my bookcase:

I'm also not thrilled with how not sharp this picture is. It's, like, the second picture I took with the new camera, so I'm getting better, but still, I feel like you should be able to read the spines of those dvd boxes. Also, the pictures are larger than I expected. I will have to shrink them down even more next time. Live and learn.

I got my period last night, and even though I slept for, like, 10 hours last night, I have been sleepy all day. Meh. Stupid period.

I'm glad the Saints won. I don't really have a rooting interest in the Colts v. Ravens game, so I'm just going to watch and enjoy.


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all shall love me and despair, adventures in cooking, recipes

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