like the sweat of lovers laying in the field

Dec 19, 2009 21:06

This afternoon I made cinnamon-chocolate sour cream cake. It came out well. I gave the whole thing away to fleurdeleo, though. It was too sweet or too something for me. I don't know. This happens to me a lot when I bake - I often don't want to eat whatever it is after a small bite. We went out for our traditional "We're having a blizzard, let's go to the bar" pre-Christmas drink tonight. The Bar Around the Corner was full of a private party, so we went to a different place, with a much better beer selection and fancier appetizers. It was good. I had a couple bottles of Lindemans lambic framboise.

Now I am ready to sack out on the couch.


Okay, call me crazy, but it was my understanding that an idea was kripked when fic dovetails with something that later occurs in or is confirmed by canon, and that jossed is still when canon later contradicts something posited in fic. I don't like it when people use kripked to mean jossed, when my understanding is the opposite. I get all confuzzled.

You know what else I don't understand? People who ship a pairing when they hate half of it. I mean, I guess I kind of get it in the "This makes my favorite character happy, so even though it's not my favorite person, I can get behind it" way, but too often it reads like, "I hate hate hate this character, so I'm going to write a story about how unworthy they are for the character I love, and make a romance out of it, even though it is super creepy with that subtext." And sometimes it's not even subtext.

Can you tell I've been trawling for Max/Alec again? Why would you write Max/Alec if you hate Max so much? It just makes me crazy! Just ship oh-so-perfect Manticore's best alpha male!Alec *rolls eyes* with someone else and then I won't even have to click on your story and we'll both be happier! And your story will be at least 50% less creepy if you like both halves of your pairing.

I'm just saying.


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i won't read your fic if, we make our own fun, adventures in cooking, it's a sickness

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