you might find you get what you need

Dec 09, 2009 23:13

My hair is thick and knots if you look at it funny, so for years I've used a detangler or leave-in conditioner - usually Infusium 23. I ran out and they didn't have any in the CVS in my neighborhood, so I bought this L'Oreal leave-in conditioner gel, and it says on the bottle that it smells like rosemary and mint.


It smells more like the backseat of a Cutlass owned by a guy named Joey Bones in 1986. After it's been locked up tight on a 90° day. Ugh. Works really well, but makes my hands stink of nothing that resembles rosemary, mint or any combination of the two. Sigh.

I'll use it, I suppose, but I am going back to Infusium after this. It doesn't have a horrible smell.


So my LJ comments have started slowly trickling in. Yay? I'm glad I didn't post any fic during this time of no notifications.

I made a cheesecake tonight to take to work tomorrow. Hopefully it came out as good as the one I made Saturday. It looks good and smells good. Sadly, my oven was not big enough for me to put the cake pan in a hot water bath, so the top cracked. (The largest pan my oven fits is a 9x13", but a 9" springform does not fit in that.)

Then I watched Criminal Minds. Okay, so I cried a little at Haley's funeral. Between that and last week's FNL... yeah.

I liked that the woman played along, and if her boyfriend hadn't showed up, she might have gotten away. And then the last woman, who fought back and was saved. And Prentiss being all badass. Her eyelashes are still distracting though. Next week looks like it will feature more BAMF Prentiss, which is my favorite flavor.

Then I watched Glee. I tried to dl some of the songs from tonight, but iTunes tells me something is being modified and therefore I cannot. But I really liked "You Can't Always Get What You Want." I mean, I always do, but that was really enjoyable, and possibly a better fit for Finn's voice, though why Puck didn't sing lead, I don't know.

I also really liked Mercedes burning up "And I'm Telling You" - and that Rachel had to accept that Mercedes is certainly her vocal equal. I also liked Rachel's "Don't Rain on My Parade". It's about goddamn time they let her sing some Streisand. The last song was sweet but way too autotuned. What is up with that? It's just distracting and unfortunate.

Also, Brittany/Santana FTW! Also, also, Quinn=awesome!


I'm done with two sets of minutes and 3/4 of the way through the last set, and then hopefully I can actually do some work on my yuletide story at work. That would be good. I still have the same 73 words I had on Saturday. Sigh. I used to be good at this writing thing. What the hell happened? Possibly baking is my new fandom? I was an enthusiastic baker when I was younger and I've enjoyed rediscovering it, and I am more squeeful about it than I am about fandom these days. Hmm...

Speaking of which, I need to go unfrock my cheesecake, and then I am going to bed.


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tv: criminal minds, my life so hard, tv: glee, shopping, makeup

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