tonight i can't hold a pen

Dec 03, 2009 22:44

So last night I was still exhausted by, well, everything, so I was in bed by 11:30 and asleep no later than 11:35. And then I was awake at 1:30, and basically up until around 6 am. I did finally fall asleep, but my alarm goes off at 7:25, but I was really in no shape to get out of bed, so I called in to work and stayed home. I eventually went back to sleep again for a few hours, and then wasted my afternoon reviewing yuletide source. I have an opening line now! And I kind of want to talk about the source but I can't. Which sucks.

Anyway. I left the house at 5 to meet up with R. for dinner and a movie. We ate and then walked over to the Ziegfeld to see "The Princess and the Frog," which is doing an exclusive limited run engagement there before it opens.

Except that tickets cost either $30 or $50 (for the full Disney experience), because apparently after the show there was a party with the Disney princesses at Roseland. So that was out. Because we weren't going to pay that for a movie, nor were we going to go to the afterparty.

We decided to head uptown to 66th and Broadway to see what was playing at the gihugic theatre there, so we walked over there - it was a beautiful night for walking - and it turns out that Robert DeNiro's new movie, "Everybody's Fine" was premiering there, and so there were velvet ropes and tents set up and clearly we were not getting into that theatre.

"An Education" was playing at the Lincoln Square, but not until 8 pm and it was only 6:50 so we weren't sure we wanted to wait around. So we grabbed a cab and headed back east to 62nd and 1st and ended up seeing "Precious." (I think R. wanted to see "2012," which was playing nearby, but I really didn't, she didn't want to see "A Serious Man," and neither of us knew what "Pirate Radio" was about [I mean, aside from the obvious].)

I'd read "Push" a long long time ago, so I knew the basic outlines of the story, but man, it is a sad, sad movie. Brilliantly acted, and hopeful, but dear god, it's devastatingly sad.

And then I came home and wrote this entry. My life, so exciting.

Hopefully I will sleep tonight.


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